UK IMO Register

This is the online version of the UK IMO Register, a database of people who have represented the UK in the International Mathematical Olympiad and other related competitions, including reserves and Team Leaders and Deputy Leaders (but not Observers). The Register was originally created in something like its present form by Tony Gardiner (taking some information from a more abbreviated list distributed by Margaret Hayman in 1979); I have applied updates and added information from various sources since 1996. Note that this is only an extract from the full Register, which is not currently distributed. Please let me know if you have any updates or corrections to any entries in the Register. (I do not believe the Register currently has any official relation to the UKMT or BMOS/BMOC.).

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International Mathematical Olympiad—Past UK Team Members (UK IMO Register)

Last modified 21 July 2024
Please notify corrections or additions to Joseph Myers (1994–1995) (
Online version at

The IMO Register is a database of past UK team members, reserves, Team Leaders and Deputy Leaders in the International Mathematical Olympiad (including the unofficial 1980 events when the IMO proper was cancelled), the Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (in which the 2008 and 2015 teams were joint “United Kingdom and Ireland” teams), the “Romanian Master of Mathematics” competition, the China Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad and the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad. (Some of the IMO teams listed for earlier years were considered teams for Great Britain or England before the participation was fully established as being by the UK as a whole.) The online version contains only some of the information from the full Register: the summary information for each year, the information from the Name and Old School columns (most of which may also be found in Tony Gardiner, The Mathematical Olympiad Handbook: An introduction to problem solving based on the first 32 British Mathematical Olympiads 1965–1996 (OUP, 1997)), and part of the information from the Career column where the person concerned is dead or has expressly approved that information for online publication. The master version of the Register is the TeX source and there may be some oddities in the online version arising from the automatic conversion process. The online version also includes an index of names, statistics of University destinations, links to related sites and recent Team Leaders’ reports on the IMO (plus some older published reports).

While the Register is intended to include all team members, reserves, Team Leaders and Deputy Leaders, there may be some years where details of the reserve are not included. Details of people who were going to be on the team but who were substituted by a reserve are not yet included, beyond notes under the people who have been reported to have been reserve in 1970, 1972 and 1973 but ended up competing; I do not know whether this happened in any other years. Incidental notes are made of people who withdrew before the team and reserve were separated in 2006, and of substitutions for RMM 2008 and EGMO 2022; Sherry Jiang was selected for the Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2011 but unable to attend and was not replaced on the team. As with all other contributions of information to improve the Register, any information to fill omissions in this area would be appreciated.

In principle, each person’s entry in the full version should include the information listed below. There are still many gaps and omissions, and uncertain information that may be out of date or in error; extra information, whether relating to yourself or to another person listed, is always welcome, as are corrections to the information presented here.

Please keep me up to date with your movements. Fields Medals will probably be noticed without my needing to be told of them; other achievements may not.

British participation in the 1967 IMO was a consequence of a visit paid by Professor Walter Hayman (Imperial College) to Moscow in 1966. Walter co-opted his wife Margaret (Putney High School for Girls), who for many years chaired the committee of the Mathematical Association that organised both the BMO and the predecessor of the current UK SMC (the National Mathematics Contest).

The primary source of information used is information supplied by the people listed about themselves and others. Further information has been taken from various web sites, including online CVs provided by some people listed, and the published Cambridge University List of Members (which provided most of the full names listed) and some other such published registers.

IMO Name Old School University/Career/
Year Most Recent Address
1967 YUGOSLAVIA (Position 4/13; Score 231/336; Medals 1G,2S,4B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: Norman Routledge
Michael John Priestley Cullen (3) Winchester C
Anthony Laing Davies (3) Manchester GS
David Willie Garland (3) Eton C
Robert Hill Manchester GS
Simon Phillips Norton§ (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Eton C See 1969
Patrick John Phair (2) Winchester C
George Cameron Smith (3) King Edward VI S, Stafford
Malcolm John Williamson (2)
[Wikipedia entry]
Manchester GS See 1968
1968 USSR (Position 4/12; Score 263/320; Medals 3G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Norman Routledge; Deputy: David Monk
Clifford Christopher Cocks (2)
[Wikipedia entry]
Manchester GS
Elwyn Brian Davies (3) Manchester GS
Noel Leaver (3) Burnley GS
Simon Phillips Norton (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Eton C See 1969
William James Porterfield (1) Westminster S Trinity C, Cambridge
Died 1977
Michael Richard Edward Proctor
[Mathematical genealogy]
Shrewsbury S
John Scholes (2) Winchester C
Malcolm John Williamson§ (1)
[Wikipedia entry]
Manchester GS Trinity C, Cambridge (1968–1971)
Liverpool University (1971–1972)
GCHQ (1972–1982)
VERBEX, Bedford, Massachusetts (1982–1985)
Nicolet Instruments, Madison, Wisconsin (1985–1989)
Center for Communications Research, 4320 Westerra Ct, San Diego, CA 92121-1969, USA (1989–2015)
Died 2015
1969 ROMANIA (Position 5/14; Score 193/320; Medals 1G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: FR Watson; Deputy: Lenon Beeson
David John Aldous§ (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Exeter S
Patrick (Paddy) Martin Bennett RGS Newcastle King’s C, Cambridge
Petty Ray Geophysical Co (1974–1979)
Merlin Geophysical Co (1979)
Principal Software Engineer, Molecular Simulations Ltd, Cambridge
Died 12 November 2011
Anthony James McIsaac
[Mathematical genealogy]
Simon Phillips Norton§* (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Eton C Trinity C, Cambridge
Jesus C, Cambridge (Research Fellow 1975)
PhD Cambridge 1976 (F and other simple groups)
Died 12 February 2019
John Francis Segal Dulwich C See 1970
Peter Day Smith (3) Manchester GS
Alan Garth Trangmar
[Mathematical genealogy]
Dulwich C
Nicholas Sinclair Wedd§ Kelly C, Tavistock
1970 HUNGARY (Position 6/14; Score 180/320; Medals 1G,0S,6B)
Team Leader: Bryan Thwaites; Deputy: Margaret Hayman
Charles James Keith Batty (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rugby S
Stuart Henry Bell Dartford GS See 1971
Jonathan Michael Edwards RGS Newcastle
Stephen Byram Furber (3)
[Wikipedia entry]
Manchester GS
David Bernard Grubb Greenford GS
John Proctor (3) Queen Mary’s GS, Walsall
John Francis Segal Dulwich C
Bernard Walter Silverman (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
City of London S
1971 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (Position 5/15; Score 110/336; Medals 0G,1S,4B)
Team Leader: Frank Budden; Deputy: Peter Reynolds
David John Allwright (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rugby S See 1972
Stuart Henry Bell Dartford GS St John’s C, Cambridge
Actuary (Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, 1978)
Daniel Martin Edwards RGS Newcastle
Christopher Richard Hills (3) Dulwich C
David John Jackson (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Perse S See 1972
Nicholas Stephen Manton
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Dulwich C
Angus Hugh Rodgers (3) Royal Belfast Academical Institution
Colin William Vout (3) Dulwich C
1972 POLAND (Position 5/14; Score 179/320; Medals 0G,2S,4B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: Margaret Brown
David John Allwright (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rugby S
George Mungo (Mungo) Carstairs George Watson’s C, Edinburgh
David John Goto (3) St. Paul’s S See 1973
Ian James Holyer (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Benedict’s S, Ealing Churchill C, Cambridge
PhD Cambridge 1981 (The computational complexity of graph theory problems)
University of Bristol, Department of Computer Science, Merchant Venturers Building, Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UB
David John Jackson (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Perse S Trinity C, Cambridge
PhD Cambridge 1982 (Some problems in finite group theory)
Died 21 September 2015
Peter Jackson RGS Newcastle
Andrew Lewis James (3) Sherborne S
James (Jim) Edward Macey (3) Nottingham HS
1973 USSR (Position 5/16; Score 164/320; Medals 1G,0S,5B)
Team Leader: Frank Budden; Deputy: Raymond Payne
Michael David Robert Beasley (3) Kingston GS See 1974
David John Goto (1) St. Paul’s S
Guy Alexander Herzmark (3) Highgate S
John Ashley Hurley Ernest Bailey GS, Matlock
David James Pritchard (3) Queen Mary’s GS, Walsall St John’s C, Cambridge
PhD Cambridge 1980/1983 (Topics in quantum chromodynamics)
Imperial College, London
University of Southampton (1985–1999)
Died 25 October 1999 (obituary The Eagle (St John’s C, Cambridge) 2000 pages 271–272)
Anthony James (Tony) Scholl (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Worth S Christ Church, Oxford (BA 1976, DPhil 1980)
DPhil Oxford 1981 (Problems in diophantine geometry)
Lecturer at University of Durham 1984
Professor of Pure Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham (1989–2001)
Kuwait Professor of Number Theory and Algebra, DPMMS, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB (November 2001–)
Malcolm Keith Sparrow Millfield S
Richard James Treitel (3) Eton C
1974 GDR (Position 9/18; Score 188/320; Medals 0G,1S,3B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: David Monk
Michael Philip Allen Woking County Boys S
Andrew Burn Apps (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King’s S, Canterbury
Michael David Robert Beasley (3) Kingston GS
John Edward Cremona (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Perse S Queen’s C, Oxford
Worcester C, Oxford (PhD student)
DPhil Oxford 1981 (Modular symbols)
Reader in Number Theory, University of Exeter
Professor of Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL (July 2007–)
Michael Allan Gray Perse S
Richard Clive Mason
[Mathematical genealogy]
Manchester GS See 1976
David James Seal
Winchester C See 1975
Antony John Wassermann (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
RGS Newcastle
1975 BULGARIA (Position 5/17; Score 239/320; Medals 2G,2S,3B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: John Durran
Pelham Mervyn Barton (3) Mill Hill S
David G Frankis (2) RGS Newcastle See 1976
John Peter Hartley (3) Manchester GS
Jonathan James Hitchcock* (1) Kingston GS See 1976
John Robert Rickard* (1) City of London S See 1977
David James Seal (2)
Winchester C Corpus Christi C, Cambridge (1975–1983)
Acorn Computers Ltd (1983–1990)
Advanced RISC Machines Ltd, which became ARM Holdings plc (1990–2010)
Retired and doing some mathematics on an individual basis (2010–)
Died December 2021
Paul Verschueren Manchester GS
David Stuart Walker (3)
[Wikipedia entry]
Manchester GS
1976 AUSTRIA (Position 2/19; Score 214/320; Medals 2G,4S,1B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: Colin Goldsmith
Patrick Lawrence Harvey Brooke (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Winchester C
Douglas Frederick Easton (2)
[Wikipedia entry]
St. Edmund’s C, Ware
Simon Charles Farmbrough (2) Oundle S
David G Frankis (2) RGS Newcastle
Jonathan James Hitchcock (2) Kingston GS
Richard Clive Mason (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Manchester GS
John Robert Rickard§ (1) City of London S See 1977
Alexander James Edward Ryba
[Mathematical genealogy]
Manchester GS
Alexander Max Flegmann (R) Winchester C
1977 YUGOSLAVIA (Position 3/21; Score 190/320; Medals 1G,3S,3B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: Terry Heard
Richard Ewen Borcherds (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
King Edward’s S, Birmingham See 1978
Andrew Grant Buchanan (2) Edinburgh Acad
Alan George Bustany Sullivan Upper S
Philip Edward Gibbs (2)
Currie HS See 1978
Brian Anthony King (3) St. Paul’s S Emmanuel C, Cambridge
PhD Cambridge 1986 (Low-frequency waves in equatorial oceans)
Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley (1985–1995)
James Rennell Division, Southampton Oceanography Centre, Empress Dock, Southampton, SO14 3ZH (1995–)
Richard Pennington (3) Wyggeston SFC See 1978
John Robert Rickard§§* (1) City of London S Trinity C, Cambridge
(Brother of Jeremy)
Computer Programmer
GO player
Died 9 May 2002 (obituary The Gazette (John Carpenter Club) no. 276 (Autumn 2002) pages 14–15)
Paul Martin Strickland (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Dulwich C
Nicholas Francis John Inglis (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Daniel Stewart’s and Melville C, Edinburgh See 1978
1978 ROMANIA (Position 3/17; Score 201/320; Medals 1G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: John Hersee
Richard Ewen Borcherds§ (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
King Edward’s S, Birmingham
Alan John Dix§ (2)
[Wikipedia entry]
Howardian HS, Cardiff
Richard Michael Durbin (3)
[Wikipedia entry]
Highgate S See 1979
Clive Anthony Frostick Dulwich C See 1979
Philip Edward Gibbs (2)
Currie HS
Martin Philip Gilchrist
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Albans S
Richard Pennington (3) Wyggeston SFC
Peter Picton Taylor Dulwich C
Nicholas Francis John Inglis (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Daniel Stewart’s and Melville C, Edinburgh
1979 UK (Position 4/23; Score 218/320; Medals 0G,4S,4B)
Team Leader: Colin Goldsmith; Deputy: Terry Heard
Nigel Boston (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Manchester GS Trinity C, Cambridge
PhD Harvard 1987 (Deformation theory of Galois representations)
IHES, France (1987–1988)
Morrey Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley (1988–1990)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Assistant Professor 1990–1995, Associate Professor 1995–2002)
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin (2002–2019)
Died 31 March 2024
Henry George Bottomley (3) Westminster S See 1980
Richard Michael Durbin (2)
[Wikipedia entry]
Highgate S
Clive Anthony Frostick (2) Dulwich C Trinity C, Cambridge
Director, Research in Focus Ltd (formerly called Focus Group)
9 Gorse Lane, Wrecclesham, Farnham, GU10 4SD
William (Bill) David Kenneth Green (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Albans S See 1980
Colin Henry Allan Hogben (2) Kent C See 1980
Paul Taylor (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
RGS High Wycombe
Nigel Clifton Westbury (3) Canford S
Edward Jonathan Edwards (R) Sullivan Upper S
Ian Andrew Pither (R) Bury GS
1980 MONGOLIA IMO split into two unofficial events
FINLAND Team Leader: David Cundy; Deputy: John Hersee
Graham Michael Clemow KCS, Wimbledon
Thomas Davy Kingston GS
Jonathan Michael James Edwards Perse S
David John Harvey Bishop Vesey’s S
Colin Henry Allan Hogben Kent C
Jane M Mills Leighton Park S
Malcolm Riley Manchester GS
Christopher P Smith St. John’s C, Southsea
Ian Robert Hart Jackson (R) Rugby S See 1981
Mark Christopher David Knapton (R) Bede S, Sunderland
LUXEMBOURG Team Leader: David Monk; Deputy: Graham Howlett
Henry George Bottomley Westminster S Trinity C, Cambridge
Brother of Peter!
Labour Eurocand 1984
Lambeth Councillor (1986–1990)
Civil Servant (DTI, then Treasury, then BIS, then Department for Culture Media and Sport)
5 Leydon Close, London, SE16 5PF
William (Bill) David Kenneth Green
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Albans S
Peter Benedict Kronheimer
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
City of London S See 1981
Bernard Leak Alleynes S, Stone
John Ronald Lister
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Albans S
Fergus Robert McInnes Royal HS, Edinburgh
Jeremy Charles Rickard
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
City of London S See 1981
Richard Lawrence Taylor
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Magdalen C
John Martin Lowes (R) RGS Newcastle
Nicholas James Wyke (R) Eton C
1981 USA (Position 3/27; Score 301/336; Medals 3G,4S,1B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: John Hersee
Mark David Bennet* (1) Ranelagh S
William Timothy (Tim) Gowers* (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Eton C
Ian Robert Hart Jackson (2) Rugby S
Peter Benedict Kronheimer (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
City of London S
Imre Bennett Leader (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
St. Paul’s S
Stephen John Montgomery-Smith (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King’s S, Peterborough
Jeremy Charles Rickard (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
City of London S
Stephen Paul (Paul) Smith (3) RGS Newcastle
1982 HUNGARY (Position 10/30; Score 103/168; Medals 0G,0S,4B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: David Monk
Paul Nevile Balister (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
KCS, Wimbledon See 1984
David Adam (Adam) Chalcraft (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Latymer Upper S
Piers Jeremy Coxon (3) Dulwich C
William James Sutherland (3) Monmouth S
1983 FRANCE (Position 11/32; Score 121/252; Medals 0G,3S,1B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: David Monk
Paul Nevile Balister§ (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
KCS, Wimbledon See 1984
Richard Swarup Biswas (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Leighton Park S See 1984
Mark Victor Bravington City of London S
Alexander Simon Clark (3) Charterhouse
Ian James Leary
[Mathematical genealogy]
Ormskirk GS Trinity C, Cambridge (1983–1990)
PhD Cambridge 1991 (The cohomology of certain finite groups)
Queen Mary and Westfield, London (Nov 1990–Sept 1992)
ETH, Zuerich (Oct 1992–Sept 1993)
CRM, Barcelona (Oct 1993–Dec 1994)
MPI, Bonn (1995)
Faculty of Mathematical Studies, University of Southampton (Jan 1996–2004)
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, 100 Math Tower, 231 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1174, USA (2004–)
Alison Christine Scott (née McDonald) (2) South Park SFC
Edmund Grimley Evans (R) Durham S
1984 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (Position 6/34; Score 169/252; Medals 1G,3S,1B)
Team Leader: David Monk; Deputy: Frank Budden
Paul Nevile Balister (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
KCS, Wimbledon
Richard Swarup Biswas (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Leighton Park S
Michael Corin Harrison
[Mathematical genealogy]
Loughborough GS
Marcus George Moore (2) Manchester GS See 1985
Matthew John Richards (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Millfield S See 1985
Ian David Bede Stark (3) Winchester C See 1985
1985 FINLAND (Position 10/38; Score 121/252; Medals 0G,2S,3B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: David Monk
Christopher Edward John Kilgour
[Mathematical genealogy]
King’s S, Gloucester St John’s C, Cambridge (1985–1993)
PhD Cambridge 1994 (Radical convolution algebras)
Telecoms research and standardisation
John Reginald Longley (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Portsmouth GS See 1986
Marcus George Moore (3) Manchester GS
Matthew John Richards (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Millfield S Trinity C, Cambridge
PhD University of London 1993 (Some Decomposition Numbers for Hecke Algebras and General Linear Groups)
Died July 1993 (Hodgkin’s disease)
Alexander Paul Selby (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
City of London S
Ian David Bede Stark (2) Winchester C
Dominic David Joyce (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
QE Hospital S See 1986
1986 POLAND (Position 11/37; Score 141/252; Medals 0G,2S,3B)
Team Leader: David Monk; Deputy: Paul Woodruff
James Norman Benedict Angus Wells Cathedral S See 1987
Kevin Mark Buzzard (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
RGS High Wycombe See 1987
Dominic David Joyce (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
QE Hospital S
John Reginald Longley (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Portsmouth GS
Thomas Royston Roughan (3) Leeds GS
Andrew David Smith (2) City of London S See 1987
1987 CUBA (Position 10/42; Score 182/252; Medals 1G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Robert Lyness; Deputy: Terry Heard
James Norman Benedict Angus Wells Cathedral S
Kevin Mark Buzzard* (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
RGS High Wycombe
Gareth John McCaughan (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Lincoln Christ’s Hospital S See 1988
George Edward Russell (2) King Edward’s S, Birmingham
Andrew David Smith (2) City of London S
Gerard Francis Thompson (3) St George’s C, Weybridge
1988 AUSTRALIA (Position 11/49; Score 121/252; Medals 0G,3S,2B)
Team Leader: David Monk; Deputy: Paul Woodruff
Colin Roy Bell (3) Trinity S, Croydon Trinity C, Cambridge (1988–1996)
MSc Cambridge 1997 (Non-discrete Möbius groups)
MA in Biblical Interpretation, London School of Theology (2006)
Malcolm J Law (2) King Edward’s S, Birmingham
Gareth John McCaughan (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Lincoln Christ’s Hospital S
Christopher Raymond Nash (3) King Edward’s S, Birmingham See 1989
Oliver Maxim Riordan (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S See 1990
Joshua Robert Xavier Ross City of London S
Richard James Martin (R) Haberdashers’ Aske’s S
1989 FRG (Position 20/50; Score 122/252; Medals 0G,2S,1B)
Team Leader: David Monk; Deputy: Paul Woodruff
Katherine Mary Christie (HM) Portsmouth GS
Weerawardhana Vindu Neehara (Vin) de Silva (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Dulwich C See 1990
Clive Richard Jones Dulwich C
Christopher Raymond Nash (2) King Edward’s S, Birmingham Trinity Hall, Cambridge (1989–1992)
Software developer
5000 Bryan Station Road #5, Lexington, KY 40516-9505, USA
Oliver Maxim Riordan (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S See 1990
John Anthony Simcox (HM) Chase HS, Malvern
Julian David Gilbey (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Haberdashers’ Aske’s S
1990 CHINA (Position 10/54; Score 141/252; Medals 2G,0S,2B)
Team Leader: Peter Shiu; Deputy: Paul Woodruff
Weerawardhana Vindu Neehara (Vin) de Silva (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Dulwich C
Michael James Fryers (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Altrincham GS See 1991
Alan Michael Iwi (HM) Westminster S
Thomas (Tom) Stephen Hampden Leinster
[Mathematical genealogy]
Lancing C
Oliver Maxim Riordan (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S
Amites Sarkar (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Winchester C
Robin Michaels (R) Haberdashers’ Aske’s S See 1992
1991 SWEDEN (Position 17/56; Score 142/252; Medals 1G,0S,2B)
Team Leader: Tony Gardiner; Deputy: Paul Woodruff
Michael James Fryers* (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Altrincham GS
Oliver Thomas Johnson (HM)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King Edward’s S, Birmingham See 1992
Robin Michaels (3) Haberdashers’ Aske’s S See 1992
Luke Thomas Pebody (HM)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rugby S See 1993
Adam Paul Shepherd (HM) King Edward’s S, Birmingham
Stephen Paul Wilcox (3) Portsmouth GS
George Edward Lowther (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Leeds GS
1992 RUSSIA (Position 5/56; Score 168/252; Medals 2G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Tony Gardiner; Deputy: Christopher Bradley
Oliver Thomas Johnson (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King Edward’s S, Birmingham
Robin Michaels (2) Haberdashers’ Aske’s S
Eva Rebecca Myers (1) Streatham Hill & Clapham HS
Karen Mary Page (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
South Bromsgrove HS
Luke Thomas Pebody (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rugby S See 1993
Mark Jon Walters (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Weald S
Robin Bhattacharyya (R) Manchester GS Trinity C, Cambridge
PhD student, Cambridge (Prof. Coates)
Teacher, Highgate School
Teacher, Loughborough Grammar School, 2008
1993 TURKEY (Position 14/73; Score 118/252; Medals 0G,3S,3B)
Team Leader: Adam McBride; Deputy: Christopher Bradley
Thomas Anthony Fisher (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Exeter S
Alistair Robert Flutter (3) Hills Road SFC
Catriona (Katy) Frances Maclean (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Harrogate GS See 1994
Alexander Christopher Paseau (3)
[Wikipedia entry]
St. Paul’s S Trinity C, Cambridge (BA 1996, PhD 2003)
Professor of Mathematical Philosophy and Stuart Hampshire Fellow, Wadham C, Oxford
Luke Thomas Pebody (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rugby S
Chuan-Tse Teo (3) Dulwich C
Paul Anthony Hacking (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Lancaster RGS
1994 HONG KONG (Position 7/69; Score 206/252; Medals 2G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Tony Gardiner; Deputy: Vin de Silva
Edward Thomas Crane (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Colchester RGS See 1995
Matthew Fayers (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Wilson’s S See 1995
Ben Joseph Green (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Fairfield GS See 1995
Catriona (Katy) Frances Maclean* (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Harrogate GS
Joseph Samuel Myers (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rutlish S See 1995
Jacob Roger Shapiro (2) Westminster S
Andrew Howard Cruise (R) Sherborne S
1995 CANADA (Position 10/73; Score 180/252; Medals 2G,1S,3B)
Team Leader: Tony Gardiner; Deputy: Christopher Bradley
Edward Thomas Crane (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Colchester RGS
Matthew Fayers (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Wilson’s S
Ben Joseph Green (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Fairfield GS
Peter Keevash (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Leeds GS
Joseph Samuel Myers (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Rutlish S Trinity C, Cambridge (1995–2003)
(Brother of Eva)
PhD Cambridge 2003 (Extremal Theory of Graph Minors and Directed Graphs)
Senior Rouse Ball Studentship, Trinity C, Cambridge (2002–2003)
Computing (CodeSourcery; Mentor Graphics; Siemens; Red Hat)
Louisa Mary Orton (3) Northgate HS
Hugh Michael Robinson (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King Henry VIII S See 1996
1996 INDIA (Position 5/75; Score 161/252; Medals 2G,4S,0B)
Team Leader: Adam McBride; Deputy: Philip Coggins
David William Bibby (1) Ysgol Rhiwaben
Michael Comyn Ching (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Oundle S See 1997
Toby Stephen Gee (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
John of Gaunt S, Trowbridge See 1997
John George Ernest Haslegrave (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King Henry VIII S
Hugh Michael Robinson (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King Henry VIII S
Paul Alexander Russell (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Bride’s HS, East Kilbride
Adrian James Sanders (R1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
KCS, Wimbledon See 1997
Jonathan William Bennet (Bennet) Summers (R2) St. Paul’s S See 1997
1997 ARGENTINA (Position 16/82; Score 144/252; Medals 1G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Adam McBride; Deputy: Philip Coggins
Mansur Salahuddin Boase (2) St. Paul’s S See 1998
Michael Comyn Ching (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Oundle S
Toby Stephen Gee (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
John of Gaunt S, Trowbridge
Adrian James Sanders (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
KCS, Wimbledon
Amit Ratilal Shah Haberdashers’ Aske’s S
Jonathan William Bennet (Bennet) Summers (1) St. Paul’s S
Colin Robert Phipps (R) Bristol GS
1998 TAIWAN (Position 17/76; Score 122/252; Medals 0G,1S,4B)
Team Leader: Adam McBride; Deputy: Philip Coggins
Mansur Salahuddin Boase (HM) St. Paul’s S
Mohan Ganesalingam (2) Westminster S
Luke Joseph Halliwell (3) Madras College, St. Andrews
Tobias (Toby) John Kenney (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Calday Grange GS, Wirral
Robert David Morris (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Lancaster Royal GS
Jeremy Jevan Bernard Young (3) Nottingham HS See 1999
Rebecca Natalie Palmer (R) Clitheroe Royal GS, Lancs See 1999
Peter William Youngs (R) St. Paul’s S
1999 ROMANIA (Position 20/81; Score 100/252; Medals 0G,3S,2B)
Team Leader: Imre Leader; Deputy: Richard Atkins
Thomas James Barnet-Lamb (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Westminster S See 2000
Rebecca Natalie Palmer (3) Clitheroe Royal GS, Lancs
Marcus Leigh Roper (3) Northgate HS
Oliver R H Thomas (2) Winchester C See 2000
Oliver James Wicker Cockermouth S
Jeremy Jevan Bernard Young (2) Nottingham HS
Stephen James Brooks (R) Abingdon S See 2000
Michael B Spencer (R) Lawnswood HS See 2000
2000 SOUTH KOREA (Position 22/82; Score 96/252; Medals 0G,2S,4B)
Team Leader: Imre Leader; Deputy: Richard Atkins
Thomas James Barnet-Lamb (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Westminster S
Stephen James Brooks (3) Abingdon S
David Clifford Robert Collier (2) King Edward VI S, Southampton
David Michael Knipe (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Sullivan Upper S
Michael B Spencer (3) Lawnswood HS
Oliver R H Thomas (3) Winchester C
Hannah Dominique Burton (R) City of London S for Girls See 2001
Ka Wing Kerwin (Kerwin) Hui (R) Berkhamsted Collegiate S
2001 USA (Position 31/83; Score 79/252; Medals 0G,1S,3B)
Team Leader: Imre Leader; Deputy: Richard Atkins
Nathan James Bowler (HM)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Knutsford HS, Cheshire See 2003
Hannah Dominique Burton (3) City of London S for Girls
Edward Catmur (3) Hinchley Wood Secondary S Jesus C, Oxford (Maths with Philosophy)
MMaths student, University of Edinburgh
Bloomberg, c. 2006/7
Man Group
Alcova, c. 2012
Maven Securities, 2013
Died 1 January 2024
Stuart Elliot Haring Haberdashers’ Aske’s S
Paul Edward Jefferys (3) Berkhamsted Collegiate S See 2004
David Alexander Loeffler (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Cotham S
Robert John Backhouse (R) King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham
James Donald Cranch (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Elizabeth C
Andrew Harold Louis Fisher (R) Eton C
2002 UK (Position 27/84; Score 116/252; Medals 0G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Richard Atkins
Timothy (Tim) Derek Austin (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Colchester RGS
Nathan James Bowler
[Mathematical genealogy]
Knutsford HS, Cheshire See 2003
Thomas (Tom) David Coker (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King’s S, Chester
Jennifer (Jenny) Louise Owladi (née Gardner) (3) Tiffin Girls S, Kingston-upon-Thames See 2003
Paul Edward Jefferys (2) Berkhamsted Collegiate S See 2004
Gavin Austin Johnstone Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts. See 2003
Bryn James Garrod (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham See 2003
Timothy (Tim) Peter Northover (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital S, Newport
Martin Philip Orr (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Methodist C, Belfast See 2005
2003 JAPAN (Position 10/82; Score 128/252; Medals 1G,2S,3B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Richard Atkins
Nathan James Bowler (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Knutsford HS, Cheshire
David Robert Fidler (3) Haberdashers’ Aske’s S See 2004
Jennifer (Jenny) Louise Owladi (née Gardner) (2) Tiffin Girls S, Kingston-upon-Thames
Paul Edward Jefferys (1) Berkhamsted Collegiate S See 2004
Gavin Austin Johnstone (3) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts.
Martin Philip Orr (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Methodist C, Belfast See 2005
Alexander (Alex) Robert Davies (R) Winchester C See 2004
Bryn James Garrod (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham
Paul James Smith (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Aylesbury GS
2004 GREECE (Position 20/85; Score 134/252; Medals 1G,1S,4B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Adrian Sanders
Giles Coope (3) Fallibroome HS, Macclesfield, Cheshire
David Robert Fidler (2) Haberdashers’ Aske’s S
Paul Edward Jefferys (1) Berkhamsted Collegiate S
Martin Philip Orr (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Methodist C, Belfast See 2005
Alexander David John Shannon (3) King’s S, Canterbury
Anne Marie Shepherd (3) Ilkley GS, West Yorkshire
Alexander (Alex) Robert Davies (R) Winchester C
Matthew Thomas Lee (R) The Robert Smyth S, Market Harborough, Leicestershire See 2005
Alexander (Alex) Ian Smith (R) King Edward VI Five Ways, Birmingham See 2005
2005 MEXICO (Position 13/91; Score 159/252; Medals 1G,3S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Adrian Sanders
Saul Glasman (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Latymer S, Edmonton, London See 2006
Nathan Kettle (2) Hitchin Boys’ S
Audrey Kueh (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Bromsgrove S
Matthew Thomas Lee (2) The Robert Smyth S, Market Harborough, Leicestershire
Martin Philip Orr (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Methodist C, Belfast
Jack George Shotton (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Portsmouth GS See 2007
Thomas (Tom) Edward Eccles (R)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S See 2006
Alexander (Alex) Ian Smith (R) King Edward VI Five Ways, Birmingham
2006 SLOVENIA (Position 19/90; Score 117/252; Medals 0G,4S,1B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Ceri Fiddes
Thomas (Tom) Edward Eccles (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S
Saul Glasman (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Latymer S, Edmonton, London
Jonathan David Lee (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Loughborough GS See 2008
Daniel James Lightwing (2)
[Wikipedia entry]
York C
Jack George Shotton (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Portsmouth GS See 2007
Lee Zhuo Zhao (HM) Nottingham HS
Jos Gibbons (R1) King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham
Imdad Sajjad Badruddin Sardharwalla (R2) King Edward VI GS, Chelmsford
2007 VIETNAM (Position 28/93; Score 95/252; Medals 1G,0S,3B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Ceri Fiddes
Timothy (Tim) Paul Rolph Hennock (3) Christ’s Hospital See 2009
Thomas (Tom) Lovering (3) Bristol GS See 2008
Takaki Oshima (HM) Westminster S
Jack George Shotton (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Portsmouth GS
Dominic John Yeo (HM)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S See 2008
Alison Huilan Fisher (née Zhu) (3) Simon Langton Girls GS, Canterbury See 2008
Jonathan David Lee (R1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Loughborough GS See 2008
Preeyan Paras Parmar (R) Eton C See 2009
Julia Mary Robson (R) Perse S for Girls
2008 SPAIN (Position 23/97; Score 133/252; Medals 0G,4S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Ceri Fiddes
Timothy (Tim) Paul Rolph Hennock (2) Christ’s Hospital See 2009
Peter Martyn Ivens Leach (2) Monkton Combe S See 2009
Thomas (Tom) Lovering (2) Bristol GS
Frederick (Freddie) Robert William Meath Manners (3) Winchester C
Dominic John Yeo (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S
Alison Huilan Fisher (née Zhu) (2) Simon Langton Girls GS, Canterbury
Jonathan David Lee (R1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Loughborough GS
Craig Newbold (R) Whitley Bay HS See 2009
Preeyan Paras Parmar (R) Eton C See 2009
2009 GERMANY (Position 19/104; Score 157/252; Medals 1G,3S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Vesna Kadelburg
Christopher (Chris) John Bellin (3) Queen Mary’s GS, Walsall
Luke Alexander Betts (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Hills Road SFC See 2010
Timothy (Tim) Paul Rolph Hennock (1) Christ’s Hospital
Peter Martyn Ivens Leach (2) Monkton Combe S
Sean Keith Moss (3) Havering SFC
Preeyan Paras Parmar (2) Eton C
Nathan Brown (R) King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham See 2010
Andrew Patrick Hyer (R) Westminster S See 2010
Craig Newbold (R1) Whitley Bay HS
2010 KAZAKHSTAN (Position 25/96; Score 114/252; Medals 1G,1S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: James Cranch
Luke Alexander Betts (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Hills Road SFC
Nathan Brown (2) King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham
Andrew James Carlotti (3) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See 2013
Richard Leo Freeland (HM) Winchester C See 2011
Sergei Patiakin (1) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts.
Aled Williams Walker (HM)
King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham
Andrew Patrick Hyer (R) Westminster S
Jordan Russell Millar (R) Regent House S See 2011
2011 NETHERLANDS (Position 17/101; Score 132/252; Medals 2G,1S,2B)
Team Leader: James Cranch; Deputy: Jack Shotton
James Abraham Aaronson (1) St. Paul’s S See 2012
Andrew James Carlotti (1) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See 2013
Benjamin Julian Elliott (2) Godalming C Trinity C, Cambridge
Died 21 September 2013
Adam Peter Goucher (3)
Netherthorpe S See 2012
Yeuk Hay Joshua (Josh) Lam (HM) The Leys S See 2012
Jordan Russell Millar (3) Regent House S
Richard Leo Freeland (R1) Winchester C
Edward Jack Kirkby (R2) Alton C
2012 ARGENTINA (Position 22/100; Score 115/252; Medals 1G,1S,4B)
Team Leader: James Cranch; Deputy: Jack Shotton
James Abraham Aaronson (3) St. Paul’s S
Sam Cappleman-Lynes (3) Shebbear C
Andrew James Carlotti (1) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See 2013
Daniel Yeelun Hu (3) City of London S See 2013
Yeuk Hay Joshua (Josh) Lam (2) The Leys S
Matei Filip Mandache (3) Loughborough GS See 2013
Gabriel Sol Lessof Gendler (R) Queen Elizabeth’s S, Barnet See 2014
Adam Peter Goucher (R1)
Netherthorpe S
Katya Frances Alice Richards (R) S of St. Helen & St. Katharine, Abingdon
2013 COLOMBIA (Position 9/97; Score 171/252; Medals 2G,3S,1B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Andrew James Carlotti (1) Sir Roger Manwood’s S
Gabriel Sol Lessof Gendler (2) Queen Elizabeth’s S, Barnet See 2014
Daniel Yeelun Hu (2) City of London S
Sahl Khan (3) St. Paul’s S
Warren Li (2) Fulford S See 2016
Matei Filip Mandache (1) Loughborough GS
Frank Han (R1) Dulwich C See 2014
Maria Holdcroft (R) Willink S
Freddie Illingworth (R) Magdalen College S See 2014
2014 SOUTH AFRICA (Position 20/101; Score 142/252; Medals 0G,4S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Joe Benton (2) St. Paul’s S See 2017
Gabriel Sol Lessof Gendler (2) Queen Elizabeth’s S, Barnet
Frank Han (3) Dulwich C
Freddie Illingworth (3) Magdalen College S
Warren Li (2) Fulford S See 2016
Harvey Yau (2) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See 2018
Liam Hughes (R) Robert Smyth Academy See 2015
Andrew Kenyon-Roberts (R) Aberdeen GS
Neel Nanda (R1) Latymer S, Edmonton, London See 2017
Linden Ralph (R) Hills Road SFC
2015 THAILAND (Position 22/104; Score 109/252; Medals 0G,4S,1B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Joe Benton (2) St. Paul’s S See 2017
Lawrence Hollom (HM) Churcher’s C See 2016
Samuel Kittle (2) Simon Langton GS for Boys
Warren Li (2) Eton C See 2016
Neel Nanda (3) Latymer S, Edmonton, London See 2017
Harvey Yau (2) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See 2018
Liam Hughes (R1) Robert Smyth Academy
Harry Metrebian (R2) Winchester C
2016 HONG KONG (Position 7/109; Score 165/252; Medals 2G,4S,0B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Joe Benton (2) St. Paul’s S See 2017
Jacob Coxon (2) Magdalen College S See 2017
Lawrence Hollom (2) Churcher’s C
Warren Li (1) Eton C
Neel Nanda (1) Latymer S, Edmonton, London See 2017
Harvey Yau (2) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See 2018
Rosie Cates (R) Hills Road SFC See 2017
Michael Ng (R) Aylesbury GS See 2017
Thomas Read (R1) Perse S See 2017
Renzhi Zhou (R) Perse S
2017 BRAZIL (Position 9/111; Score 130/252; Medals 3G,0S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Joe Benton (1) St. Paul’s S
Rosie Cates (3) Hills Road SFC
Jacob Coxon (3) Magdalen College S
Neel Nanda (1) Latymer S, Edmonton, London
Alexander Song (HM) Westminster S
Harvey Yau (1) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See 2018
Sam Bealing (R1) Bridgewater HS See 2018
Michael Ng (R) Aylesbury GS
Thomas Read (R) Perse S
Naomi Wei (R) City of London S for Girls
2018 ROMANIA (Position 12/107; Score 161/252; Medals 1G,4S,0B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Agnijo Banerjee* (1) Grove Academy, Dundee
Sam Bealing (HM) Bridgewater HS
Tom Hillman (2) St. Albans S See 2019
Benedict Randall Shaw (2) Westminster S See 2020
Aron Thomas (2) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts. See 2020
Harvey Yau (2) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf
Emily Beatty (R1) King Edward VII S, Sheffield
Alex Darby (R) Sutton GS for Boys See 2019
2019 UK (Position 20/112; Score 149/252; Medals 1G,2S,3B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: Freddie Illingworth
Alex Darby (3) Sutton GS for Boys
Liam Hill (1) Gosforth Academy
Tom Hillman (2) St. Albans S
George Mears (3) George Abbot S
Benedict Randall Shaw (3) Westminster S See 2020
Aron Thomas (2) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts. See 2020
Brian Davies (R) St Edward’s C
Sarah Gleghorn (R) Skipton Girls’ HS See 2020
Yuhka Machino (R1) Millfield S See 2021
Alevtina Studenikina (R) Cheltenham Ladies’ C
2020 RUSSIA (Position 9/105; Score 167/252; Medals 1G,4S,1B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: Kasia Warburton
Samuel Liew (2) The West Bridgford S See 2021
Yuhka Machino (1) Millfield S See 2021
Benedict Randall Shaw (2) Westminster S
Aron Thomas (2) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts.
Tommy Walker Mackay (2) Stretford GS See 2021
Sherman Yip (3) Tonbridge S
Thomas Frith (R1) Horsforth S / Abbey Park HS
Sarah Gleghorn (R) Skipton Girls’ HS
Sarah Henderson (R) Highgate S
Mohit Hulse (R) Sri Kumaran Public S See 2022
2021 RUSSIA (Position 9/107; Score 131/252; Medals 2G,3S,0B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: Sam Bealing
Mohit Hulse (2) Sri Kumaran Public S See 2022
Isaac King (2) Tonbridge S See 2024
Samuel Liew (1) The West Bridgford S
Yuhka Machino (1) Millfield S
Daniel Naylor (HM) Matthew Arnold S, Oxford
Jenni Voon (2) Landau Forte C, Derby
Tommy Walker Mackay (R1) Stretford GS
2022 NORWAY (Position 13/104; Score 179/252; Medals 1G,3S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Freddie Illingworth
Alex Chui (2) Tonbridge S See 2024
Benjamin Gillott (2) Collingham C
Mohit Hulse (1) Sri Kumaran Public S
Isaac King (2) Tonbridge S See 2024
Sida Li (3) Reading S See 2023
George Zhou (3) Westminster S
James Sarkies (R) Lawrence Sheriff S
2023 JAPAN (Position 13/112; Score 167/252; Medals 2G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: Freddie Illingworth
Hanks Chong (3) Concord C
Alex Chui (1) Tonbridge S See 2024
Thomas Kavanagh (2) King’s College London Maths S
Isaac King (1) Tonbridge S See 2024
Sida Li (3) Reading S
William Thomson (2) Winchester C
Neil Prabhu (R) St. Paul’s S
Mikaeel Shah (R) Isleworth and Syon S See 2024
2024 UK (Position 6/108; Score 162/252; Medals 2G,3S,1B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: Vesna Kadelburg
Alex Chui (1) Tonbridge S
Sam Griffiths (2) Kingswinford Academy
Isaac King (2) Tonbridge S
Mikaeel Shah (3) Isleworth and Syon S
Samuel Sturge (1) Kingston GS
Haolin Zhao (2) St. Paul’s S
Zijie Guan (R) Glasgow Academy

Balkan Mathematical Olympiad Team Members

2005 ROMANIA (Position 11/14; Score 54/240; Medals 0G,0S,3B)
Team Leader: Robin Bhattacharyya; Deputy: Amanda Turner
Konrad Kazimierz Dąbrowski
[Mathematical genealogy]
Clitheroe Royal GS, Lancs
Christopher James Kerr (3) Winchester C
Edward Souder Newkirk an international school
Jack George Shotton (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Portsmouth GS See IMO 2007
Lee Zhuo Zhao Nottingham HS See IMO 2006
Bo Zheng (3) Glasgow Academy
2006 CYPRUS (Position ?/??; Score 51/240; Medals 0G,0S,3B)
Team Leader: Richard Atkins; Deputy: Ian Jackson
Jos Gibbons (3) King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham See IMO 2006
Timothy (Tim) Paul Rolph Hennock Christ’s Hospital See IMO 2009
Jonathan David Lee (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Loughborough GS See IMO 2008
Daniel James Lightwing (3)
[Wikipedia entry]
York C See IMO 2006
Julia Mary Robson Perse S for Girls See IMO 2007
Dominic Jonathan Ralph Rowland Winchester C
2007 GREECE (Position 7/14; Score 107/240; Medals 0G,1S,4B)
Team Leader: Robin Bhattacharyya; Deputy: Vesna Kadelburg
Ian David Fraser (HM) Torquay Boys’ GS
Thomas (Tom) Lovering (3) Bristol GS See IMO 2008
Frederick (Freddie) Robert William Meath Manners (3) Winchester C See IMO 2008
Preeyan Paras Parmar (3) Eton C See IMO 2009
Dominic John Yeo (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S See IMO 2008
Alison Huilan Fisher (née Zhu) (3) Simon Langton Girls GS, Canterbury See IMO 2008
2008 MACEDONIA (Position 8/19; Score 73/240; Medals 0G,1S,4B)
Team Leader: Adrian Sanders; Deputy: Jacqui Lewis
Galin Ganchev (2) Castletroy College, Ireland
Andrew Patrick Hyer (3) Westminster S See IMO 2010
Peter Martyn Ivens Leach (3) Monkton Combe S See IMO 2009
Craig Newbold (3) Whitley Bay HS See IMO 2009
Hannah Roberts (3) S of St. Helen & St. Katharine, Abingdon
Rong Zhou
[Mathematical genealogy]
Bristol GS
2009 SERBIA (Position 13/20; Score 59/240; Medals 0G,1S,5B)
Team Leader: Vesna Kadelburg; Deputy: Robin Bhattacharyya
Christopher (Chris) John Bellin (3) Queen Mary’s GS, Walsall See IMO 2009
Luke Alexander Betts (2)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Hills Road SFC See IMO 2010
Joseph Guy Briggs (3) Kennet S
Nathan Brown (3) King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham See IMO 2010
Ruth Franklin (3) Manchester HS for Girls
Sean Keith Moss (3) Havering SFC See IMO 2009
2010 MOLDOVA (Position 8/19; Score 115/240; Medals 0G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Jacqui Lewis
Benjamin Julian Elliott (3) Godalming C See IMO 2011
Richard Leo Freeland (2) Winchester C See IMO 2011
Sahl Khan (HM) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2013
Jordan Russell Millar (HM) Regent House S See IMO 2011
Sergei Patiakin (2) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts. See IMO 2010
Jack Edward Smith (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King’s S, Grantham
2011 ROMANIA (Position 8/20; Score 99/240; Medals 1G,1S,3B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Rosie Wiltshire
James Abraham Aaronson (1) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2012
Sam Cappleman-Lynes (3) Shebbear C See IMO 2012
Martin Chan (3) Westminster S
Hyunjik (John) Kim (3) Hampton S
Yeuk Hay Joshua (Josh) Lam (2) The Leys S See IMO 2012
2012 TURKEY (Position 11/22; Score 139/240; Medals 0G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Gerry Leversha
Robin Elliott (3) Reading S
Gabriel Sol Lessof Gendler (3) Queen Elizabeth’s S, Barnet See IMO 2014
Daniel Yeelun Hu (2) City of London S See IMO 2013
Matthew Jasper (HM) St. Crispin’s S
Matei Filip Mandache (2) Loughborough GS See IMO 2013
Harry Metrebian (HM) Winchester C See IMO 2015
2013 CYPRUS (Position 5/16; Score 133/240; Medals 1G,3S,1B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: Gerry Leversha
Oliver Yuanhong Feng (2) Eton C
William Gao Merchiston Castle S
Frank Han (2) Dulwich C See IMO 2014
Maria Holdcroft (2) Willink S See IMO 2013
Freddie Illingworth (1) Magdalen College S See IMO 2014
Warren Li (3) Fulford S See IMO 2016
Andrew James Carlotti (R) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See IMO 2013
2014 BULGARIA (Position 10/20; Score 133/240; Medals 0G,1S,2B)
Team Leader: Jack Shotton; Deputy: Gerry Leversha
Joe Benton (3) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2017
Liam Hughes (HM) Robert Smyth Academy See IMO 2015
Neel Nanda (HM) Latymer S, Edmonton, London See IMO 2017
Linden Ralph (2) Hills Road SFC See IMO 2014
Katarzyna (Kasia) Lucy Porteous Warburton (HM) Reigate GS
Harvey Yau (3) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See IMO 2018
2015 GREECE (Position 15/21; Score 68/240; Medals 0G,0S,4B)
Team Leader: Lex Betts; Deputy: Gerry Leversha
Luke Gardiner (3) Gonzaga C, Ireland
Alex Harris (3) Perse S
Lawrence Hollom (3) Churcher’s C See IMO 2016
Samuel Kittle Simon Langton GS for Boys See IMO 2015
Kirsten Land King’s College London Mathematical S
Philip Peters (3) Haberdashers’ Aske’s S
2016 ALBANIA (Position 7/19; Score 152/240; Medals 0G,2S,4B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: Gerry Leversha
Jamie Bell (3) King Edward VI Five Ways, Birmingham
Rosie Cates (3) Hills Road SFC See IMO 2017
Jacob Coxon (3) Magdalen College S See IMO 2017
Michael Ng (2) Aylesbury GS See IMO 2017
Thomas Read (3) Perse S See IMO 2017
Renzhi Zhou (2) Perse S See IMO 2016
2017 MACEDONIA (Position 14/20; Score 98/240; Medals 0G,0S,4B)
Team Leader: Dominic Rowland; Deputy: Jill Parker
Hugo Aaronson (3) St. Paul’s S
Sam Bealing (3) Bridgewater HS See IMO 2018
Emily Beatty (3) King Edward VII S, Sheffield See IMO 2018
Thomas Pycroft Whitchurch HS
Yuta Tsuchiya Queen Elizabeth’s S, Barnet
Naomi Wei (3) City of London S for Girls See IMO 2017
2018 SERBIA (Position 13/18; Score 104/240; Medals 0G,1S,3B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: Vesna Kadelburg
Agnijo Banerjee (3) Grove Academy, Dundee See IMO 2018
Nathan Creighton (3) Mossbourne Community Academy
Alex Darby Sutton GS for Boys See IMO 2019
Tom Hillman (3) St. Albans S See IMO 2019
Giles Shaw Bishop Stopford School
Aron Thomas (2) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts. See IMO 2020
2019 MOLDOVA (Position 9/18; Score 123/240; Medals 0G,0S,5B)
Team Leader: Dominic Rowland; Deputy: Ava Yeo
Brian Davies (3) St Edward’s C See IMO 2019
Thomas Finn (3) Bexhill C
Liam Hill (3) Gosforth Academy See IMO 2019
George Mears (3) George Abbot S See IMO 2019
Alevtina Studenikina (3) Cheltenham Ladies’ C See IMO 2019
Patrick Winter (HM) Barton Peveril C
2020 ROMANIA (Position 7/18; Score 146/240; Medals 1G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Robin Bhattacharyya; Deputy: Kasia Warburton
Wilfred Ashworth (1) Sutton GS
Ojas Gulati (3) Tiffin S
Sean Jaffe (3) Winchester C
Linus Luu (2) St Olave’s GS
Eleanor MacGillivray (HM) King’s Ely See Balkan 2022
Jenni Voon (2) Landau Forte C, Derby See IMO 2021
2021 CYPRUS (Position 10/18; Score 99/240; Medals 0G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: Freddie Illingworth; Deputy: Emily Beatty
Rhys Lewis (2) Haverfordwest High VC S
Ilya Misyura (HM) Westminster S
James Sarkies Lawrence Sheriff S See IMO 2022
William Thomson (HM) Winchester C See IMO 2023
Velian Velikov (HM) St Olave’s GS
George Zhou (3) Westminster S See IMO 2022
2022 CYPRUS (Position 11/16; Score 109/240; Medals 0G,3S,1B)
Team Leader: Robin Bhattacharyya; Deputy: Jamie Bell
Benjamin Gillott (2) Collingham C See IMO 2022
Thomas Kavanagh (3) King’s Maths S See IMO 2023
Hayden Lam (HM) Tonbridge S
Sida Li (2) Reading S See IMO 2023
Eleanor MacGillivray (2) King’s Ely
Lingde Yang The West Bridgford S
2023 TURKEY (Position 15/22; Score 105/240; Medals 0G,0S,4B)
Team Leader: Jamie Bell; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Anthony Goncharov (3) Colyton GS
Sam Griffiths (3) Kingswinford Academy See IMO 2024
Elsa Lin (HM) Westminster S
Neil Prabhu (3) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2023
Mikaeel Shah (3) Isleworth and Syon S See IMO 2024
Julia Volovich Hills Road SFC
2024 BULGARIA (Position 14/23; Score 100/240; Medals 0G,2S,1B)
Team Leader: Jamie Bell; Deputy: Dominic Yeo
Aanya Goyal (HM) Alleyn’s S
Adavya Goyal (2) St. Paul’s S
Zijie Guan Glasgow Academy See IMO 2024
Ed Hart (3) Pate’s GS
William Harwood (HM) Nottingham HS
Samuel Sturge (2) Kingston GS See IMO 2024

Romanian Master of Mathematics Team Members

2008 ROMANIA (Position 1/12; Score 51/84; Medals 1G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: Geoff Smith; Deputy: None
Timothy (Tim) Paul Rolph Hennock (2) Christ’s Hospital See IMO 2009
Jonathan David Lee (1)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Loughborough GS See IMO 2008
Dominic John Yeo (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
St. Paul’s S See IMO 2008
2009 ROMANIA (Position 10/10; Score 35/84; Medals 0G,0S,1B)
Team Leader: Adrian Sanders; Deputy: Sally Anne Huk
Luke Alexander Betts
[Mathematical genealogy]
Hills Road SFC See IMO 2010
Nathan Brown King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham See IMO 2010
Timothy (Tim) Paul Rolph Hennock Christ’s Hospital See IMO 2009
Andrew Patrick Hyer Westminster S See IMO 2010
Peter Martyn Ivens Leach (3) Monkton Combe S See IMO 2009
Craig Newbold Whitley Bay HS See IMO 2009
2010 ROMANIA (Position 10/12; Score 40/126; Medals 0G,0S,3B)
Team Leader: Robin Bhattacharyya; Deputy: James Cranch
Luke Alexander Betts (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Hills Road SFC See IMO 2010
Andrew James Carlotti (3) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See IMO 2013
Richard Leo Freeland Winchester C See IMO 2011
Andrew Patrick Hyer Westminster S See IMO 2010
Jack Edward Smith (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
King’s S, Grantham See Balkan 2010
Aled Williams Walker
King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys’ S, Birmingham See IMO 2010
2011 ROMANIA (Position 2/15; Score 67/126; Medals 1G,3S,1B)
Team Leader: James Cranch; Deputy: James Gazet
Andrew James Carlotti (2) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See IMO 2013
Benjamin Julian Elliott (3) Godalming C See IMO 2011
Richard Leo Freeland (2) Winchester C See IMO 2011
Edward Godfrey (HM) Thomas Hardye S
Adam Peter Goucher (1)
Netherthorpe S See IMO 2012
Jordan Russell Millar (2) Regent House S See IMO 2011
2012 ROMANIA (Position 8/15; Score 55/126; Medals 0G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: James Cranch; Deputy: James Gazet
James Abraham Aaronson (2) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2012
Sam Cappleman-Lynes (HM) Shebbear C See IMO 2012
Andrew James Carlotti (3) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See IMO 2013
Sahl Khan (HM) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2013
Yeuk Hay Joshua (Josh) Lam (HM) The Leys S See IMO 2012
Vishal Prakash Patil King Edward’s S, Birmingham
2013 ROMANIA (Position 3/15; Score 97/126; Medals 2G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: Jonathan Lee; Deputy: Bev Detoeuf
Andrew James Carlotti (2) Sir Roger Manwood’s S See IMO 2013
Gabriel Sol Lessof Gendler (HM) Queen Elizabeth’s S, Barnet See IMO 2014
Daniel Yeelun Hu (1) City of London S See IMO 2013
Sahl Khan (HM) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2013
Warren Li (3) Fulford S See IMO 2016
Matei Filip Mandache (1) Loughborough GS See IMO 2013
2015 ROMANIA (Position 4/17; Score 93/126; Medals 1G,2S,0B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: James Gazet
Joe Benton (1) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2017
Liam Hughes (HM) Robert Smyth Academy See IMO 2015
Samuel Kittle (HM) Simon Langton GS for Boys See IMO 2015
Warren Li (2) Eton C See IMO 2016
Harry Metrebian (HM) Winchester C See IMO 2015
Harvey Yau (2) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See IMO 2018
2016 ROMANIA (Position 2/20; Score 72/126; Medals 2G,2S,0B)
Team Leader: Lex Betts; Deputy: James Gazet
Joe Benton (1) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2017
Rosie Cates (HM) Hills Road SFC See IMO 2017
Lawrence Hollom Churcher’s C See IMO 2016
Warren Li (1) Eton C See IMO 2016
Neel Nanda (2) Latymer S, Edmonton, London See IMO 2017
Harvey Yau (2) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See IMO 2018
Michael Ng (R) Aylesbury GS See IMO 2017
2017 ROMANIA (Position 2/19; Score 99/126; Medals 2G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: Dominic Yeo; Deputy: James Gazet
Joe Benton (1) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2017
Rosie Cates (HM) Hills Road SFC See IMO 2017
Neel Nanda (2) Latymer S, Edmonton, London See IMO 2017
Thomas Read (3) Perse S See IMO 2017
Alexander Song (HM) Westminster S See IMO 2017
Harvey Yau (1) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See IMO 2018
Nathan Creighton (R) Mossbourne Community Academy See Balkan 2018
2018 ROMANIA (Position 7/20; Score 77/126; Medals 0G,2S,1B)
Team Leader: Lex Betts; Deputy: James Gazet
Agnijo Banerjee (2) Grove Academy, Dundee See IMO 2018
Sam Bealing (3) Bridgewater HS See IMO 2018
Benedict Randall Shaw (HM) Westminster S See IMO 2020
Alexander Song (HM) Westminster S See IMO 2017
Naomi Wei (HM) City of London S for Girls See IMO 2017
Harvey Yau (2) Ysgol Dyffryn Taf See IMO 2018
2019 ROMANIA (Position 16/24; Score 71/126; Medals 0G,0S,2B)
Team Leader: Gabriel Gendler; Deputy: James Gazet
Naomi Bazlov (HM) King Edward VI HS for Girls, Birmingham
Alex Darby (HM) Sutton GS for Boys See IMO 2019
Tom Hillman (3) St. Albans S See IMO 2019
Benedict Randall Shaw (HM) Westminster S See IMO 2020
Aron Thomas (3) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts. See IMO 2020
Tommy Walker Mackay (HM) Stretford GS See IMO 2021
Yuhka Machino (R) Millfield S See IMO 2021
Thomas Pelling (R) Bedford S
2020 ROMANIA (Position 5/19; Score 71/126; Medals 1G,0S,2B)
Team Leader: Freddie Illingworth; Deputy: James Gazet
Wilfred Ashworth (HM) Sutton GS for Boys See Balkan 2020
Sarah Gleghorn (HM) Skipton Girls’ HS See IMO 2020
Yuhka Machino (3) Millfield S See IMO 2021
Aron Thomas (3) Dame Alice Owen’s S, Herts. See IMO 2020
Tommy Walker Mackay (1) Stretford GS See IMO 2021
Sherman Yip (HM) Tonbridge S See IMO 2020
2023 ROMANIA (Position 8/15; Score 41/126; Medals 0G,0S,4B)
Team Leader: Sam Bealing; Deputy: Geoff Smith
Anthony Goncharov Colyton GS See Balkan 2023
Aanya Goyal (3) Alleyn’s S See Balkan 2024
Thomas Kavanagh (3) King’s College London Mathematics S See IMO 2023
Isaac King (3) Tonbridge S See IMO 2024
Sida Li (3) Reading S See IMO 2023
Haolin Zhao (HM) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2024
2024 ROMANIA (Position 7/14; Score 73/126; Medals 0G,1S,3B)
Team Leader: Andjela Sarkovic; Deputy: Harvey Yau
Aanya Goyal (3) Alleyn’s S See Balkan 2024
Sam Griffiths (HM) Kingswinford Academy See IMO 2024
Zijie Guan (HM) Glasgow Academy See IMO 2024
Isaac King (3) Tonbridge S See IMO 2024
Samuel Sturge (3) Kingston GS See IMO 2024
Haolin Zhao (2) St. Paul’s S See IMO 2024

China Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad Team Members

2010 SHIJIAZHUANG (Position 28/48; Score 162/480; Medals 0G,2S,1B)
Team Leader: Ceri Fiddes; Deputy: Alison Zhu
Alice Ahn Glasgow Academy
Andrea Chlebikova (2) Brighton Hove and Sussex SFC
Ruth Franklin (2) Manchester HS for Girls See Balkan 2009
Maithra Raghu (3) Henrietta Barnett S

European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad Team Members

2012 UNITED KINGDOM (Position 12/19; Score 43/224; Medals 0G,0S,2B)
Team Leader: Alison Zhu; Deputy: Jo Harbour
Natalie Clare Behague (3)
[Mathematical genealogy]
Dartford Girls’ GS
Elizabeth Lee Loughborough HS See EGMO 2013
Ella Mi King’s S, Peterborough
Katya Frances Alice Richards (3) S of St. Helen & St. Katharine, Abingdon See IMO 2012
Emily Bain (R) Durham Johnston S
2013 LUXEMBOURG (Position 11/22; Score 70/168; Medals 0G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: Hannah Roberts; Deputy: Jo Harbour
Maria Holdcroft (3) Willink S See IMO 2013
Elizabeth Lee (2) Loughborough HS
Katya Frances Alice Richards (HM) S of St. Helen & St. Katharine, Abingdon See IMO 2012
Katarzyna (Kasia) Lucy Porteous Warburton (HM) Reigate GS See Balkan 2014
Ellie Holderness (R) Latymer Upper S
2014 TURKEY (Position 8/29; Score 48/168; Medals 0G,2S,0B)
Team Leader: Hannah Roberts; Deputy: Jo Harbour
Olivia Rachel Aaronson St. Paul’s Girls’ S See EGMO 2015
Katya Frances Alice Richards (2) S of St. Helen & St. Katharine, Abingdon See IMO 2012
Eloise Thuey Caistor GS
Katarzyna (Kasia) Lucy Porteous Warburton (2) Reigate GS See Balkan 2014
Alyssa Dayan (R) Westminster S
2015 BELARUS (Position 12/30; Score 53/168; Medals 0G,1S,2B)
Team Leader: Jo Harbour; Deputy: Jenny Owladi
Olivia Rachel Aaronson (2) St. Paul’s Girls’ S
Rosie Cates (3) Perse S See IMO 2017
Kirsten Land (HM) King’s College London Mathematical S See Balkan 2015
Joanna Rachel Yass (3) North London Collegiate S
Clarissa Costen (R) Altrincham Girls’ GS See EGMO 2016
2016 ROMANIA (Position 7/39; Score 78/168; Medals 1G,1S,2B)
Team Leader: Jo Harbour; Deputy: Jenny Owladi
Rosie Cates (1) Hills Road SFC See IMO 2017
Tomoka Kan (3) Westminster S
Alevtina Studenikina (3) Cheltenham Ladies’ C See IMO 2019
Naomi Wei (2) City of London S for Girls See IMO 2017
Clarissa Costen (R) Altrincham Girls’ GS
2017 SWITZERLAND (Position 8/44; Score 83/168; Medals 1G,0S,3B)
Team Leader: Jo Harbour; Deputy: Jenny Owladi
Rosie Cates (1) Hills Road SFC See IMO 2017
Melissa Quail (3) Longsands Academy See EGMO 2018
Alevtina Studenikina (3) Cheltenham Ladies’ C See IMO 2019
Naomi Wei (3) City of London S for Girls See IMO 2017
Emily Beatty (R) King Edward VII S, Sheffield See IMO 2018
2018 ITALY (Position 3/52; Score 111/168; Medals 1G,2S,1B)
Team Leader: Jo Caisová; Deputy: Jenny Owladi
Emily Beatty* (1) King Edward VII S, Sheffield See IMO 2018
Melissa Quail (3) Longsands Academy
Alevtina Studenikina (2) Cheltenham Ladies’ C See IMO 2019
Naomi Wei (2) City of London S for Girls See IMO 2017
Yuhka Machino (R) Millfield S See IMO 2021
2019 UKRAINE (Position 5/50; Score 103/168; Medals 1G,3S,0B)
Team Leader: Jenny Owladi; Deputy: Kasia Warburton
Naomi Bazlov (2) King Edward VI HS for Girls, Birmingham See Romania 2019
Sarah Gleghorn (2) Skipton Girls’ HS See IMO 2020
Yihua Luo (2) St George’s S for Girls
Yuhka Machino (1) Millfield S See IMO 2021
Lily Kearney (R) Exeter Mathematics S
2020 NETHERLANDS (Position 5/53; Score 91/168; Medals 1G,2S,1B)
Team Leader: Jenny Owladi; Deputy: Kasia Warburton
Naomi Bazlov (2) King Edward VI HS for Girls, Birmingham See Romania 2019
Sarah Gleghorn (2) Skipton Girls’ HS See IMO 2020
Sarah Henderson (3) Highgate S See IMO 2020
Yuhka Machino (1) Millfield S See IMO 2021
Shuqi Huang (R) Westminster S
2021 GEORGIA (Position 5/55; Score 90/168; Medals 2G,1S,1B)
Team Leader: Jenny Owladi; Deputy: Kasia Warburton
Aanya Goyal (3) Alleyn’s S See Balkan 2024
Eleanor MacGillivray (2) King’s Ely See Balkan 2022
Yuhka Machino (1) Millfield S See IMO 2021
Jenni Voon (1) Landau Forte C, Derby See IMO 2021
Rebekah Glaze (R) West Kirby GS See EGMO 2022
2022 HUNGARY (Position 14/57; Score 86/168; Medals 1G,0S,3B)
Team Leader: Jenny Owladi; Deputy: Kasia Warburton
Raka Chattopadhyay (3) The Queen’s S, Chester
Rebekah Glaze (3) West Kirby GS
Eleanor MacGillivray (1) King’s Ely See Balkan 2022
Tatiana Mouzykantskii (3) Sevenoaks S
2023 SLOVENIA (Position 11/55; Score 110/168; Medals 0G,2S,2B)
Team Leader: Kasia Warburton; Deputy: Emily Beatty
Aanya Goyal (2) Alleyn’s S See Balkan 2024
Ema Kobayashi (2) King’s College London Maths S
Elsa Lin (3) Westminster S See Balkan 2023
Huyen Ngoc Pham (3) Westbourne S
Julia Volovich (R) Hills Road SFC See Balkan 2023
2024 GEORGIA (Position ?/??; Score ???/168; Medals ?G,?S,?B)
Team Leader: Kasia Warburton; Deputy: Emily Beatty
Aanya Goyal Alleyn’s S See Balkan 2024
Keisha Kwok The Sacred Heart Language C
Elsa Lin Westminster S See Balkan 2023
Julia Volovich Hills Road SFC See Balkan 2023

Past UK Team Leaders and Deputies

Name University/Career/
Most Recent Address
Richard Atkins
Sam Bealing See 2018
Emily Beatty See 2018
Lenon Beeson
Jamie Bell See Balkan 2016
Lex Betts
[Mathematical genealogy]
See 2010
Robin Bhattacharyya See 1992
Christopher John Bradley Clare C, Cambridge (1956–1959)
DPhil (Oxford)
Fellow, Jesus C, Oxford (1963–1977)
Teacher, Clifton C
Died 11 July 2013
Margaret Louise Brown (née Seed)
Francis (Frank) James Budden ??
Head of Mathematics, Royal Grammar School, Newcastle
President of Mathematical Association (1982–1983)
Died (1986?)
Joanna (Jo) Lucy Caisová (née Harbour)
Philip John Coggins
James Cranch
[Mathematical genealogy]
See 2001
David Martyn Cundy
Vin de Silva
[Mathematical genealogy]
See 1990
John Hunter Durran ??
Head of Maths, Winchester C
Died February 1998
Beverley (Bev) Detoeuf ??
Died 13 August 2020
Ceridwyn (Ceri) Clare Fiddes
[Mathematical genealogy]
Anthony (Tony) David Gardiner ??
PhD Warwick 1973
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Birmingham
President of Mathematical Association (1997–1998)
Died 22 January 2024
Robert James (James) Gazet
Gabriel Gendler See 2014
Colin Cecil Goldsmith
Margaret Riley Hayman (née Crann) Newnham C, Cambridge (1941–1944)
Co-founder of BMO
President of Mathematical Association (1974–1975)
Teacher, Putney HS (for Girls)
Died 26 July 1994 (obituaries The Times 27 August 1994 and The Mathematical Gazette 79 (1995) page 127)
Terence (Terry) James Heard
John William Hersee Keble C, Oxford (1950–1953)
Teacher, King Edward VII S, Sheffield (1954–1959)
Head of Maths, Clifton C (1959–1975)
Executive Director of SMP (1975–1985)
Special Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Bristol
President of Mathematical Association (1992–1993)
Died 10 May 2005 (obituary The Mathematical Gazette 89 (2005) pages 525–528)
Graham Howlett
Sally Anne Huk
Freddie Illingworth See 2014
Ian Jackson See 1981
Vesna Kadelburg
[Mathematical genealogy]
Imre Leader
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
See 1981
Jonathan Lee
[Mathematical genealogy]
See 2008
Gerry Leversha
Margaret Jacqueline (Jacqui) Lewis ??
Teacher, Wootton Bassett School
Teacher, St. Julian’s International School, Carcavelos, Portugal
Died 30 November 2010 in Portugal
Robert Cranston Lyness ??
Head of Mathematics at Bristol GS
Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools (maybe senior HMI for Mathematics?)
Died 1997
Adam Clark McBride
[Mathematical genealogy]
David Monk
[Mathematical genealogy]
Trinity C, Cambridge
PhD Cambridge 1958 (The geometry of flag manifolds)
University of Edinburgh
Died 3 October 2022
Jenny Owladi See 2003
Jill Parker
Raymond W Payne
Peter Reynolds Trinity C, Dublin (graduated 1954)
Taught in Birmingham
Mathematics Adviser for the county of Suffolk (1976–1990)
President of Mathematical Association (1989–1990)
Died 17 September 2000 (obituary The Mathematical Gazette 86 (2002) pages 137–141)
Hannah Roberts See Balkan 2008
Norman Arthur Routledge
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
King’s C, Cambridge (1946–1960)
PhD Cambridge 1954 (Recursive Sets)
Fellow, King’s C (1951–1960); Director of Studies in Mathematics (1957–1959)
Scientific Officier, RAE, Farnborough (1952–1954)
Eton College (1959–1989)
Died 2013
Dominic Rowland See Balkan 2006
Adrian Sanders
[Mathematical genealogy]
See 1997
Andjela Sarkovic
Peter Man-Kit Shiu
[Mathematical genealogy]
Jack Shotton
[Mathematical genealogy]
See 2007
Geoffrey (Geoff) Charles Smith
[Mathematical genealogy]
[Wikipedia entry]
Bryan Thwaites
[Wikipedia entry]
Amanda Georgina Turner
[Mathematical genealogy]
Kasia Warburton See Balkan 2014
F R (Joe) Watson
Rosie Wiltshire
Paul Woodruff
Harvey Yau See 2018
Ava Yeo
Dominic Yeo
[Mathematical genealogy]
See 2008
Alison Zhu See 2008

Statistics of University destinations

This table is based on the best information currently available on the Register as to University destinations, which is in a few cases uncertain. Team members and reserves are counted, exactly once irrespective of the number of times someone was on the team or was a reserve; Leaders and Deputy Leaders who were not team members are not counted. The “team members only” column gives corresponding figures where team members but not reserves are counted; during the period when the squad of team plus reserve has been selected but not yet separated into team and reserve, all people in that most recent squad are counted in this column (as not yet at University).

Destination Count Count (team members only)
Christ’s C, Cambridge 8 8
Churchill C, Cambridge 4 3
Clare C, Cambridge 11 10
Corpus Christi C, Cambridge 7 5
Downing C, Cambridge 2 2
Emmanuel C, Cambridge 9 7
Girton C, Cambridge 1 0
Gonville and Caius C, Cambridge 5 4
Homerton C, Cambridge 1 1
Jesus C, Cambridge 6 5
King’s C, Cambridge 10 10
Newnham C, Cambridge 1 1
Pembroke C, Cambridge 1 1
Peterhouse, Cambridge 4 2
Queens’ C, Cambridge 10 8
Sidney Sussex C, Cambridge 4 4
St Catharine’s C, Cambridge 4 4
St John’s C, Cambridge 19 18
Trinity C, Cambridge 228 191
Trinity Hall, Cambridge 3 3
Unknown C, Cambridge 1 1
Total Cambridge 339 288
Balliol C, Oxford 2 2
Christ Church, Oxford 1 1
Jesus C, Oxford 1 1
Keble C, Oxford 1 0
Merton C, Oxford 7 6
New C, Oxford 3 3
Queen’s C, Oxford 4 3
Somerville C, Oxford 1 1
St John’s C, Oxford 1 0
Trinity C, Oxford 2 2
Unknown C, Oxford 1 1
Wadham C, Oxford 1 1
Total Oxford 25 21
Birmingham University 1 0
Durham University 1 1
Harvard University 2 2
Imperial C, London 1 1
MIT 4 2
Not yet at University 18 16
Princeton University 1 0
Unknown 5 5
Williams College, Williamstown, MA 1 1
Total 398 337

Index of names

People who have changed name (through marriage or otherwise) are indexed under both names. This index only covers entries on the Register, not participation of the people on the Register in IMOs in other capacities (e.g., as Observers, Coordinators and organisers) or in connection with other countries.

Aaronson, HugoBalkan 2017 (3) ]
Aaronson, James Abraham2011 (1); 2012 (3); Balkan 2011 (1); RMM 2012 (2) ]
Aaronson, Olivia RachelEGMO 2014; EGMO 2015 (2) ]
Ahn, AliceCGMO 2010 ]
Aldous, David John1969§ (2) ]
Allen, Michael Philip1974 ]
Allwright, David John1971 (3); 1972 (2) ]
Angus, James Norman Benedict1986; 1987 ]
Apps, Andrew Burn1974 (2) ]
Ashworth, WilfredBalkan 2020 (1); RMM 2020 (HM) ]
Atkins, Richard1999 Deputy Leader; 2000 Deputy Leader; 2001 Deputy Leader; 2002 Deputy Leader; 2003 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2006 Team Leader ]
Austin, Timothy (Tim) Derek2002 (2) ]
Backhouse, Robert John2001 (R) ]
Bain, EmilyEGMO 2012 (R) ]
Balister, Paul Nevile1982 (3); 1983§ (2); 1984 (1) ]
Banerjee, Agnijo2018* (1); Balkan 2018 (3); RMM 2018 (2) ]
Barnet-Lamb, Thomas James1999 (2); 2000 (2) ]
Barton, Pelham Mervyn1975 (3) ]
Batty, Charles James Keith1970 (3) ]
Bazlov, NaomiRMM 2019 (HM); EGMO 2019 (2); EGMO 2020 (2) ]
Bealing, Sam2017 (R1); 2018 (HM); Balkan 2017 (3); RMM 2018 (3); 2021 Deputy Leader; RMM 2023 Team Leader ]
Beasley, Michael David Robert1973 (3); 1974 (3) ]
Beatty, Emily2018 (R1); Balkan 2017 (3); EGMO 2017 (R); EGMO 2018* (1); Balkan 2021 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2023 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2024 Deputy Leader ]
Beeson, Lenon1969 Deputy Leader ]
Behague, Natalie ClareEGMO 2012 (3) ]
Bell, Colin Roy1988 (3) ]
Bell, JamieBalkan 2016 (3); Balkan 2022 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2023 Team Leader; Balkan 2024 Team Leader ]
Bell, Stuart Henry1970; 1971 ]
Bellin, Christopher (Chris) John2009 (3); Balkan 2009 (3) ]
Bennet, Mark David1981* (1) ]
Bennett, Patrick (Paddy) Martin1969 ]
Benton, Joe2014 (2); 2015 (2); 2016 (2); 2017 (1); Balkan 2014 (3); RMM 2015 (1); RMM 2016 (1); RMM 2017 (1) ]
Betts, Luke Alexander2009 (2); 2010 (3); Balkan 2009 (2); RMM 2009; RMM 2010 (3); Balkan 2015 Team Leader; RMM 2016 Team Leader; RMM 2018 Team Leader ]
Bhattacharyya, Robin1992 (R); Balkan 2005 Team Leader; Balkan 2007 Team Leader; Balkan 2009 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2020 Team Leader; Balkan 2022 Team Leader; RMM 2010 Team Leader ]
Bibby, David William1996 (1) ]
Biswas, Richard Swarup1983 (2); 1984 (2) ]
Boase, Mansur Salahuddin1997 (2); 1998 (HM) ]
Borcherds, Richard Ewen1977 (2); 1978§ (1) ]
Boston, Nigel1979 (3) ]
Bottomley, Henry George1979 (3); 1980 ]
Bowler, Nathan James2001 (HM); 2002; 2003 (3) ]
Bradley, Christopher John1992 Deputy Leader; 1993 Deputy Leader; 1995 Deputy Leader ]
Bravington, Mark Victor1983 ]
Briggs, Joseph GuyBalkan 2009 (3) ]
Brooke, Patrick Lawrence Harvey1976 (3) ]
Brooks, Stephen James1999 (R); 2000 (3) ]
Brown, Margaret Louise1972 Deputy Leader ]
Brown, Nathan2009 (R); 2010 (2); Balkan 2009 (3); RMM 2009 ]
Buchanan, Andrew Grant1977 (2) ]
Budden, Francis (Frank) James1971 Team Leader; 1973 Team Leader; 1984 Deputy Leader ]
Burton, Hannah Dominique2000 (R); 2001 (3) ]
Bustany, Alan George1977 ]
Buzzard, Kevin Mark1986 (3); 1987* (1) ]
Caisová, Joanna (Jo) LucyEGMO 2012 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2013 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2014 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2015 Team Leader; EGMO 2016 Team Leader; EGMO 2017 Team Leader; EGMO 2018 Team Leader ]
Cappleman-Lynes, Sam2012 (3); Balkan 2011 (3); RMM 2012 (HM) ]
Carlotti, Andrew James2010 (3); 2011 (1); 2012 (1); 2013 (1); Balkan 2013 (R); RMM 2010 (3); RMM 2011 (2); RMM 2012 (3); RMM 2013 (2) ]
Carstairs, George Mungo (Mungo)1972 ]
Cates, Rosie2016 (R); 2017 (3); Balkan 2016 (3); RMM 2016 (HM); RMM 2017 (HM); EGMO 2015 (3); EGMO 2016 (1); EGMO 2017 (1) ]
Catmur, Edward2001 (3) ]
Chalcraft, David Adam (Adam)1982 (3) ]
Chan, MartinBalkan 2011 (3) ]
Chattopadhyay, RakaEGMO 2022 (3) ]
Ching, Michael Comyn1996 (1); 1997 (2) ]
Chlebikova, AndreaCGMO 2010 (2) ]
Chong, Hanks2023 (3) ]
Christie, Katherine Mary1989 (HM) ]
Chui, Alex2022 (2); 2023 (1); 2024 (1) ]
Clark, Alexander Simon1983 (3) ]
Clemow, Graham Michael1980 ]
Cocks, Clifford Christopher1968 (2) ]
Coggins, Philip John1996 Deputy Leader; 1997 Deputy Leader; 1998 Deputy Leader ]
Coker, Thomas (Tom) David2002 (3) ]
Collier, David Clifford Robert2000 (2) ]
Coope, Giles2004 (3) ]
Costen, ClarissaEGMO 2015 (R); EGMO 2016 (R) ]
Coxon, Jacob2016 (2); 2017 (3); Balkan 2016 (3) ]
Coxon, Piers Jeremy1982 (3) ]
Cranch, James Donald2001 (R); 2010 Deputy Leader; 2011 Team Leader; 2012 Team Leader; RMM 2010 Deputy Leader; RMM 2011 Team Leader; RMM 2012 Team Leader ]
Crane, Edward Thomas1994 (3); 1995 (1) ]
Crann, Margaret Riley1970 Deputy Leader ]
Creighton, NathanBalkan 2018 (3); RMM 2017 (R) ]
Cremona, John Edward1974 (3) ]
Cruise, Andrew Howard1994 (R) ]
Cullen, Michael John Priestley1967 (3) ]
Cundy, David Martyn1980 Team Leader ]
Dąbrowski, Konrad KazimierzBalkan 2005 ]
Darby, Alex2018 (R); 2019 (3); Balkan 2018; RMM 2019 (HM) ]
Davies, Alexander (Alex) Robert2003 (R); 2004 (R) ]
Davies, Anthony Laing1967 (3) ]
Davies, Brian2019 (R); Balkan 2019 (3) ]
Davies, Elwyn Brian1968 (3) ]
Davy, Thomas1980 ]
Dayan, AlyssaEGMO 2014 (R) ]
de Silva, Weerawardhana Vindu Neehara (Vin)1989 (3); 1990 (1); 1994 Deputy Leader ]
Detoeuf, Beverley (Bev)RMM 2013 Deputy Leader ]
Dix, Alan John1978§ (2) ]
Durbin, Richard Michael1978 (3); 1979 (2) ]
Durran, John Hunter1975 Deputy Leader ]
Easton, Douglas Frederick1976 (2) ]
Eccles, Thomas (Tom) Edward2005 (R); 2006 (2) ]
Edwards, Daniel Martin1971 ]
Edwards, Edward Jonathan1979 (R) ]
Edwards, Jonathan Michael1970 ]
Edwards, Jonathan Michael James1980 ]
Elliott, Benjamin Julian2011 (2); Balkan 2010 (3); RMM 2011 (3) ]
Elliott, RobinBalkan 2012 (3) ]
Evans, Edmund Grimley1983 (R) ]
Farmbrough, Simon Charles1976 (2) ]
Fayers, Matthew1994 (3); 1995 (3) ]
Feng, Oliver YuanhongBalkan 2013 (2) ]
Fiddes, Ceridwyn (Ceri) Clare2006 Deputy Leader; 2007 Deputy Leader; 2008 Deputy Leader; CGMO 2010 Team Leader ]
Fidler, David Robert2003 (3); 2004 (2) ]
Finn, ThomasBalkan 2019 (3) ]
Fisher, Alison Huilan2007 (3); 2008 (2); Balkan 2007 (3); CGMO 2010 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2012 Team Leader ]
Fisher, Andrew Harold Louis2001 (R) ]
Fisher, Thomas Anthony1993 (2) ]
Flegmann, Alexander Max1976 (R) ]
Flutter, Alistair Robert1993 (3) ]
Frankis, David G1975 (2); 1976 (2) ]
Franklin, RuthBalkan 2009 (3); CGMO 2010 (2) ]
Fraser, Ian DavidBalkan 2007 (HM) ]
Freeland, Richard Leo2010 (HM); 2011 (R1); Balkan 2010 (2); RMM 2010; RMM 2011 (2) ]
Frith, Thomas2020 (R1) ]
Frostick, Clive Anthony1978; 1979 (2) ]
Fryers, Michael James1990 (3); 1991* (1) ]
Furber, Stephen Byram1970 (3) ]
Ganchev, GalinBalkan 2008 (2) ]
Ganesalingam, Mohan1998 (2) ]
Gao, WilliamBalkan 2013 ]
Gardiner, Anthony (Tony) David1991 Team Leader; 1992 Team Leader; 1994 Team Leader; 1995 Team Leader ]
Gardiner, LukeBalkan 2015 (3) ]
Gardner, Jennifer (Jenny) Louise2002 (3); 2003 (2); EGMO 2015 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2016 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2017 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2018 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2019 Team Leader; EGMO 2020 Team Leader; EGMO 2021 Team Leader; EGMO 2022 Team Leader ]
Garland, David Willie1967 (3) ]
Garrod, Bryn James2002 (R); 2003 (R) ]
Gazet, Robert James (James)RMM 2011 Deputy Leader; RMM 2012 Deputy Leader; RMM 2015 Deputy Leader; RMM 2016 Deputy Leader; RMM 2017 Deputy Leader; RMM 2018 Deputy Leader; RMM 2019 Deputy Leader; RMM 2020 Deputy Leader ]
Gee, Toby Stephen1996 (2); 1997 (3) ]
Gendler, Gabriel Sol Lessof2012 (R); 2013 (2); 2014 (2); Balkan 2012 (3); RMM 2013 (HM); RMM 2019 Team Leader ]
Gibbons, Jos2006 (R1); Balkan 2006 (3) ]
Gibbs, Philip Edward1977 (2); 1978 (2) ]
Gilbey, Julian David1989 (R) ]
Gilchrist, Martin Philip1978 ]
Gillott, Benjamin2022 (2); Balkan 2022 (2) ]
Glasman, Saul2005 (3); 2006 (3) ]
Glaze, RebekahEGMO 2021 (R); EGMO 2022 (3) ]
Gleghorn, Sarah2019 (R); 2020 (R); RMM 2020 (HM); EGMO 2019 (2); EGMO 2020 (2) ]
Godfrey, EdwardRMM 2011 (HM) ]
Goldsmith, Colin Cecil1976 Deputy Leader; 1979 Team Leader ]
Goncharov, AnthonyBalkan 2023 (3); RMM 2023 ]
Goto, David John1972 (3); 1973 (1) ]
Goucher, Adam Peter2011 (3); 2012 (R1); RMM 2011 (1) ]
Gowers, William Timothy (Tim)1981* (1) ]
Goyal, AanyaBalkan 2024 (HM); RMM 2023 (3); RMM 2024 (3); EGMO 2021 (3); EGMO 2023 (2); EGMO 2024 ]
Goyal, AdavyaBalkan 2024 (2) ]
Gray, Michael Allan1974 ]
Green, Ben Joseph1994 (2); 1995 (2) ]
Green, William (Bill) David Kenneth1979 (2); 1980 ]
Griffiths, Sam2024 (2); Balkan 2023 (3); RMM 2024 (HM) ]
Grubb, David Bernard1970 ]
Guan, Zijie2024 (R); Balkan 2024; RMM 2024 (HM) ]
Gulati, OjasBalkan 2020 (3) ]
Hacking, Paul Anthony1993 (R) ]
Halliwell, Luke Joseph1998 (3) ]
Han, Frank2013 (R1); 2014 (3); Balkan 2013 (2) ]
Harbour, Joanna (Jo) LucyEGMO 2012 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2013 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2014 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2015 Team Leader; EGMO 2016 Team Leader; EGMO 2017 Team Leader; EGMO 2018 Team Leader ]
Haring, Stuart Elliot2001 ]
Harris, AlexBalkan 2015 (3) ]
Harrison, Michael Corin1984 ]
Hart, EdBalkan 2024 (3) ]
Hartley, John Peter1975 (3) ]
Harvey, David John1980 ]
Harwood, WilliamBalkan 2024 (HM) ]
Haslegrave, John George Ernest1996 (2) ]
Hayman, Margaret Riley1970 Deputy Leader ]
Heard, Terence (Terry) James1977 Deputy Leader; 1979 Deputy Leader; 1987 Deputy Leader ]
Henderson, Sarah2020 (R); EGMO 2020 (3) ]
Hennock, Timothy (Tim) Paul Rolph2007 (3); 2008 (2); 2009 (1); Balkan 2006; RMM 2008 (2); RMM 2009 ]
Hersee, John William1978 Deputy Leader; 1980 Deputy Leader; 1981 Deputy Leader ]
Herzmark, Guy Alexander1973 (3) ]
Hill, Liam2019 (1); Balkan 2019 (3) ]
Hill, Robert1967 ]
Hillman, Tom2018 (2); 2019 (2); Balkan 2018 (3); RMM 2019 (3) ]
Hills, Christopher Richard1971 (3) ]
Hitchcock, Jonathan James1975* (1); 1976 (2) ]
Hogben, Colin Henry Allan1979 (2); 1980 ]
Holdcroft, Maria2013 (R); Balkan 2013 (2); EGMO 2013 (3) ]
Holderness, EllieEGMO 2013 (R) ]
Hollom, Lawrence2015 (HM); 2016 (2); Balkan 2015 (3); RMM 2016 ]
Holyer, Ian James1972 (3) ]
Howlett, Graham1980 Deputy Leader ]
Hu, Daniel Yeelun2012 (3); 2013 (2); Balkan 2012 (2); RMM 2013 (1) ]
Huang, ShuqiEGMO 2020 (R) ]
Hughes, Liam2014 (R); 2015 (R1); Balkan 2014 (HM); RMM 2015 (HM) ]
Hui, Ka Wing Kerwin (Kerwin)2000 (R) ]
Huk, Sally AnneRMM 2009 Deputy Leader ]
Hulse, Mohit2020 (R); 2021 (2); 2022 (1) ]
Hurley, John Ashley1973 ]
Hyer, Andrew Patrick2009 (R); 2010 (R); Balkan 2008 (3); RMM 2009; RMM 2010 ]
Illingworth, Freddie2013 (R); 2014 (3); Balkan 2013 (1); 2019 Deputy Leader; 2022 Deputy Leader; 2023 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2021 Team Leader; RMM 2020 Team Leader ]
Inglis, Nicholas Francis John1977 (R); 1978 (R) ]
Iwi, Alan Michael1990 (HM) ]
Jackson, David John1971 (2); 1972 (2) ]
Jackson, Ian Robert Hart1980 (R); 1981 (2); Balkan 2006 Deputy Leader ]
Jackson, Peter1972 ]
Jaffe, SeanBalkan 2020 (3) ]
James, Andrew Lewis1972 (3) ]
Jasper, MatthewBalkan 2012 (HM) ]
Jefferys, Paul Edward2001 (3); 2002 (2); 2003 (1); 2004 (1) ]
Johnson, Oliver Thomas1991 (HM); 1992 (3) ]
Johnstone, Gavin Austin2002; 2003 (3) ]
Jones, Clive Richard1989 ]
Joyce, Dominic David1985 (R); 1986 (2) ]
Kadelburg, Vesna2009 Deputy Leader; 2024 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2007 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2009 Team Leader; Balkan 2018 Deputy Leader ]
Kan, TomokaEGMO 2016 (3) ]
Kavanagh, Thomas2023 (2); Balkan 2022 (3); RMM 2023 (3) ]
Kearney, LilyEGMO 2019 (R) ]
Keevash, Peter1995 (3) ]
Kenney, Tobias (Toby) John1998 (3) ]
Kenyon-Roberts, Andrew2014 (R) ]
Kerr, Christopher JamesBalkan 2005 (3) ]
Kettle, Nathan2005 (2) ]
Khan, Sahl2013 (3); Balkan 2010 (HM); RMM 2012 (HM); RMM 2013 (HM) ]
Kilgour, Christopher Edward John1985 ]
Kim, Hyunjik (John)Balkan 2011 (3) ]
King, Brian Anthony1977 (3) ]
King, Isaac2021 (2); 2022 (2); 2023 (1); 2024 (2); RMM 2023 (3); RMM 2024 (3) ]
Kirkby, Edward Jack2011 (R2) ]
Kittle, Samuel2015 (2); Balkan 2015; RMM 2015 (HM) ]
Knapton, Mark Christopher David1980 (R) ]
Knipe, David Michael2000 (3) ]
Kobayashi, EmaEGMO 2023 (2) ]
Kronheimer, Peter Benedict1980; 1981 (2) ]
Kueh, Audrey2005 (2) ]
Kwok, KeishaEGMO 2024 ]
Lam, HaydenBalkan 2022 (HM) ]
Lam, Yeuk Hay Joshua (Josh)2011 (HM); 2012 (2); Balkan 2011 (2); RMM 2012 (HM) ]
Land, KirstenBalkan 2015; EGMO 2015 (HM) ]
Law, Malcolm J1988 (2) ]
Leach, Peter Martyn Ivens2008 (2); 2009 (2); Balkan 2008 (3); RMM 2009 (3) ]
Leader, Imre Bennett1981 (2); 1999 Team Leader; 2000 Team Leader; 2001 Team Leader ]
Leak, Bernard1980 ]
Leary, Ian James1983 ]
Leaver, Noel1968 (3) ]
Lee, ElizabethEGMO 2012; EGMO 2013 (2) ]
Lee, Jonathan David2006 (2); 2007 (R1); 2008 (R1); Balkan 2006 (3); RMM 2008 (1); RMM 2013 Team Leader ]
Lee, Matthew Thomas2004 (R); 2005 (2) ]
Leinster, Thomas (Tom) Stephen Hampden1990 ]
Leversha, GerryBalkan 2012 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2013 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2014 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2015 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2016 Deputy Leader ]
Lewis, Margaret Jacqueline (Jacqui)Balkan 2008 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2010 Deputy Leader ]
Lewis, RhysBalkan 2021 (2) ]
Li, Sida2022 (3); 2023 (3); Balkan 2022 (2); RMM 2023 (3) ]
Li, Warren2013 (2); 2014 (2); 2015 (2); 2016 (1); Balkan 2013 (3); RMM 2013 (3); RMM 2015 (2); RMM 2016 (1) ]
Liew, Samuel2020 (2); 2021 (1) ]
Lightwing, Daniel James2006 (2); Balkan 2006 (3) ]
Lin, ElsaBalkan 2023 (HM); EGMO 2023 (3); EGMO 2024 ]
Lister, John Ronald1980 ]
Loeffler, David Alexander2001 (2) ]
Longley, John Reginald1985 (3); 1986 (3) ]
Lovering, Thomas (Tom)2007 (3); 2008 (2); Balkan 2007 (3) ]
Lowes, John Martin1980 (R) ]
Lowther, George Edward1991 (R) ]
Luo, YihuaEGMO 2019 (2) ]
Luu, LinusBalkan 2020 (2) ]
Lyness, Robert Cranston1967 Team Leader; 1972 Team Leader; 1974 Team Leader; 1975 Team Leader; 1976 Team Leader; 1977 Team Leader; 1978 Team Leader; 1981 Team Leader; 1982 Team Leader; 1983 Team Leader; 1985 Team Leader; 1987 Team Leader ]
McBride, Adam Clark1993 Team Leader; 1996 Team Leader; 1997 Team Leader; 1998 Team Leader ]
McCaughan, Gareth John1987 (3); 1988 (2) ]
McDonald, Alison Christine1983 (2) ]
Macey, James (Jim) Edward1972 (3) ]
MacGillivray, EleanorBalkan 2020 (HM); Balkan 2022 (2); EGMO 2021 (2); EGMO 2022 (1) ]
Machino, Yuhka2019 (R1); 2020 (1); 2021 (1); RMM 2019 (R); RMM 2020 (3); EGMO 2018 (R); EGMO 2019 (1); EGMO 2020 (1); EGMO 2021 (1) ]
McInnes, Fergus Robert1980 ]
McIsaac, Anthony James1969 ]
Mackay, Tommy Walker2020 (2); 2021 (R1); RMM 2019 (HM); RMM 2020 (1) ]
Maclean, Catriona (Katy) Frances1993 (2); 1994* (1) ]
Mandache, Matei Filip2012 (3); 2013 (1); Balkan 2012 (2); RMM 2013 (1) ]
Manners, Frederick (Freddie) Robert William Meath2008 (3); Balkan 2007 (3) ]
Manton, Nicholas Stephen1971 ]
Martin, Richard James1988 (R) ]
Mason, Richard Clive1974; 1976 (1) ]
Mears, George2019 (3); Balkan 2019 (3) ]
Metrebian, Harry2015 (R2); Balkan 2012 (HM); RMM 2015 (HM) ]
Mi, EllaEGMO 2012 ]
Michaels, Robin1990 (R); 1991 (3); 1992 (2) ]
Millar, Jordan Russell2010 (R); 2011 (3); Balkan 2010 (HM); RMM 2011 (2) ]
Mills, Jane M1980 ]
Misyura, IlyaBalkan 2021 (HM) ]
Monk, David1968 Deputy Leader; 1974 Deputy Leader; 1980 Team Leader; 1982 Deputy Leader; 1983 Deputy Leader; 1984 Team Leader; 1985 Deputy Leader; 1986 Team Leader; 1988 Team Leader; 1989 Team Leader ]
Montgomery-Smith, Stephen John1981 (2) ]
Moore, Marcus George1984 (2); 1985 (3) ]
Morris, Robert David1998 (3) ]
Moss, Sean Keith2009 (3); Balkan 2009 (3) ]
Mouzykantskii, TatianaEGMO 2022 (3) ]
Myers, Eva Rebecca1992 (1) ]
Myers, Joseph Samuel1994 (1); 1995 (1) ]
Nanda, Neel2014 (R1); 2015 (3); 2016 (1); 2017 (1); Balkan 2014 (HM); RMM 2016 (2); RMM 2017 (2) ]
Nash, Christopher Raymond1988 (3); 1989 (2) ]
Naylor, Daniel2021 (HM) ]
Newbold, Craig2008 (R); 2009 (R1); Balkan 2008 (3); RMM 2009 ]
Newkirk, Edward SouderBalkan 2005 ]
Ng, Michael2016 (R); 2017 (R); Balkan 2016 (2); RMM 2016 (R) ]
Northover, Timothy (Tim) Peter2002 (R) ]
Norton, Simon Phillips1967§ (1); 1968 (1); 1969§* (1) ]
Orr, Martin Philip2002 (R); 2003 (2); 2004 (3); 2005 (1) ]
Orton, Louisa Mary1995 (3) ]
Oshima, Takaki2007 (HM) ]
Owladi, Jennifer (Jenny) Louise2002 (3); 2003 (2); EGMO 2015 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2016 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2017 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2018 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2019 Team Leader; EGMO 2020 Team Leader; EGMO 2021 Team Leader; EGMO 2022 Team Leader ]
Page, Karen Mary1992 (3) ]
Palmer, Rebecca Natalie1998 (R); 1999 (3) ]
Parker, JillBalkan 2017 Deputy Leader ]
Parmar, Preeyan Paras2007 (R); 2008 (R); 2009 (2); Balkan 2007 (3) ]
Paseau, Alexander Christopher1993 (3) ]
Patiakin, Sergei2010 (1); Balkan 2010 (2) ]
Patil, Vishal PrakashRMM 2012 ]
Payne, Raymond W1973 Deputy Leader ]
Pebody, Luke Thomas1991 (HM); 1992 (2); 1993 (2) ]
Pelling, ThomasRMM 2019 (R) ]
Pennington, Richard1977 (3); 1978 (3) ]
Peters, PhilipBalkan 2015 (3) ]
Phair, Patrick John1967 (2) ]
Pham, Huyen NgocEGMO 2023 (3) ]
Phipps, Colin Robert1997 (R) ]
Pither, Ian Andrew1979 (R) ]
Porterfield, William James1968 (1) ]
Prabhu, Neil2023 (R); Balkan 2023 (3) ]
Pritchard, David James1973 (3) ]
Proctor, John1970 (3) ]
Proctor, Michael Richard Edward1968 ]
Pycroft, ThomasBalkan 2017 ]
Quail, MelissaEGMO 2017 (3); EGMO 2018 (3) ]
Raghu, MaithraCGMO 2010 (3) ]
Ralph, Linden2014 (R); Balkan 2014 (2) ]
Read, Thomas2016 (R1); 2017 (R); Balkan 2016 (3); RMM 2017 (3) ]
Reynolds, Peter1971 Deputy Leader ]
Richards, Katya Frances Alice2012 (R); EGMO 2012 (3); EGMO 2013 (HM); EGMO 2014 (2) ]
Richards, Matthew John1984 (2); 1985 (2) ]
Rickard, Jeremy Charles1980; 1981 (1) ]
Rickard, John Robert1975* (1); 1976§ (1); 1977§§* (1) ]
Riley, Malcolm1980 ]
Riordan, Oliver Maxim1988 (2); 1989 (2); 1990 (1) ]
Roberts, HannahBalkan 2008 (3); EGMO 2013 Team Leader; EGMO 2014 Team Leader ]
Robinson, Hugh Michael1995 (R); 1996 (2) ]
Robson, Julia Mary2007 (R); Balkan 2006 ]
Rodgers, Angus Hugh1971 (3) ]
Roper, Marcus Leigh1999 (3) ]
Ross, Joshua Robert Xavier1988 ]
Roughan, Thomas Royston1986 (3) ]
Routledge, Norman Arthur1967 Deputy Leader; 1968 Team Leader ]
Rowland, Dominic Jonathan RalphBalkan 2006; Balkan 2017 Team Leader; Balkan 2019 Team Leader ]
Russell, George Edward1987 (2) ]
Russell, Paul Alexander1996 (2) ]
Ryba, Alexander James Edward1976 ]
Sanders, Adrian James1996 (R1); 1997 (3); 2004 Deputy Leader; 2005 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2008 Team Leader; RMM 2009 Team Leader ]
Sardharwalla, Imdad Sajjad Badruddin2006 (R2) ]
Sarkar, Amites1990 (3) ]
Sarkies, James2022 (R); Balkan 2021 ]
Sarkovic, AndjelaRMM 2024 Team Leader ]
Scholes, John1968 (2) ]
Scholl, Anthony James (Tony)1973 (3) ]
Scott, Alison Christine1983 (2) ]
Seal, David James1974; 1975 (2) ]
Seed, Margaret Louise1972 Deputy Leader ]
Segal, John Francis1969; 1970 ]
Selby, Alexander Paul1985 (3) ]
Shah, Amit Ratilal1997 ]
Shah, Mikaeel2023 (R); 2024 (3); Balkan 2023 (3) ]
Shannon, Alexander David John2004 (3) ]
Shapiro, Jacob Roger1994 (2) ]
Shaw, Benedict Randall2018 (2); 2019 (3); 2020 (2); RMM 2018 (HM); RMM 2019 (HM) ]
Shaw, GilesBalkan 2018 ]
Shepherd, Adam Paul1991 (HM) ]
Shepherd, Anne Marie2004 (3) ]
Shiu, Peter Man-Kit1990 Team Leader ]
Shotton, Jack George2005 (3); 2006 (2); 2007 (1); Balkan 2005 (3); 2011 Deputy Leader; 2012 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2014 Team Leader ]
Silverman, Bernard Walter1970 (1) ]
Simcox, John Anthony1989 (HM) ]
Smith, Alexander (Alex) Ian2004 (R); 2005 (R) ]
Smith, Andrew David1986 (2); 1987 (2) ]
Smith, Christopher P1980 ]
Smith, Geoffrey (Geoff) Charles2002 Team Leader; 2003 Team Leader; 2004 Team Leader; 2005 Team Leader; 2006 Team Leader; 2007 Team Leader; 2008 Team Leader; 2009 Team Leader; 2010 Team Leader; 2013 Team Leader; 2014 Team Leader; 2015 Team Leader; 2016 Team Leader; 2017 Team Leader; 2018 Team Leader; 2022 Team Leader; Balkan 2010 Team Leader; Balkan 2011 Team Leader; Balkan 2012 Team Leader; Balkan 2013 Team Leader; RMM 2008 Team Leader; RMM 2023 Deputy Leader ]
Smith, George Cameron1967 (3) ]
Smith, Jack EdwardBalkan 2010 (3); RMM 2010 (3) ]
Smith, Paul James2003 (R) ]
Smith, Peter Day1969 (3) ]
Smith, Stephen Paul (Paul)1981 (3) ]
Song, Alexander2017 (HM); RMM 2017 (HM); RMM 2018 (HM) ]
Sparrow, Malcolm Keith1973 ]
Spencer, Michael B1999 (R); 2000 (3) ]
Stark, Ian David Bede1984 (3); 1985 (2) ]
Strickland, Paul Martin1977 (3) ]
Studenikina, Alevtina2019 (R); Balkan 2019 (3); EGMO 2016 (3); EGMO 2017 (3); EGMO 2018 (2) ]
Sturge, Samuel2024 (1); Balkan 2024 (2); RMM 2024 (3) ]
Summers, Jonathan William Bennet (Bennet)1996 (R2); 1997 (1) ]
Sutherland, William James1982 (3) ]
Taylor, Paul1979 (3) ]
Taylor, Peter Picton1978 ]
Taylor, Richard Lawrence1980 ]
Teo, Chuan-Tse1993 (3) ]
Thomas, Aron2018 (2); 2019 (2); 2020 (2); Balkan 2018 (2); RMM 2019 (3); RMM 2020 (3) ]
Thomas, Oliver R H1999 (2); 2000 (3) ]
Thompson, Gerard Francis1987 (3) ]
Thomson, William2023 (2); Balkan 2021 (HM) ]
Thuey, EloiseEGMO 2014 ]
Thwaites, Bryan1970 Team Leader ]
Trangmar, Alan Garth1969 ]
Treitel, Richard James1973 (3) ]
Tsuchiya, YutaBalkan 2017 ]
Turner, Amanda GeorginaBalkan 2005 Deputy Leader ]
Velikov, VelianBalkan 2021 (HM) ]
Verschueren, Paul1975 ]
Volovich, JuliaBalkan 2023; EGMO 2023 (R); EGMO 2024 ]
Voon, Jenni2021 (2); Balkan 2020 (2); EGMO 2021 (1) ]
Vout, Colin William1971 (3) ]
Walker, Aled Williams2010 (HM); RMM 2010 ]
Walker, David Stuart1975 (3) ]
Walters, Mark Jon1992 (1) ]
Warburton, Katarzyna (Kasia) Lucy PorteousBalkan 2014 (HM); EGMO 2013 (HM); EGMO 2014 (2); 2020 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2020 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2019 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2020 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2021 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2022 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2023 Team Leader; EGMO 2024 Team Leader ]
Wassermann, Antony John1974 (3) ]
Watson, F R (Joe)1969 Team Leader ]
Wedd, Nicholas Sinclair1969§ ]
Wei, Naomi2017 (R); Balkan 2017 (3); RMM 2018 (HM); EGMO 2016 (2); EGMO 2017 (3); EGMO 2018 (2) ]
Westbury, Nigel Clifton1979 (3) ]
Wicker, Oliver James1999 ]
Wilcox, Stephen Paul1991 (3) ]
Williamson, Malcolm John1967 (2); 1968§ (1) ]
Wiltshire, RosieBalkan 2011 Deputy Leader ]
Winter, PatrickBalkan 2019 (HM) ]
Woodruff, Paul1986 Deputy Leader; 1988 Deputy Leader; 1989 Deputy Leader; 1990 Deputy Leader; 1991 Deputy Leader ]
Wyke, Nicholas James1980 (R) ]
Yang, LingdeBalkan 2022 ]
Yass, Joanna RachelEGMO 2015 (3) ]
Yau, Harvey2014 (2); 2015 (2); 2016 (2); 2017 (1); 2018 (2); Balkan 2014 (3); RMM 2015 (2); RMM 2016 (2); RMM 2017 (1); RMM 2018 (2); RMM 2024 Deputy Leader ]
Yeo, AvaBalkan 2019 Deputy Leader ]
Yeo, Dominic John2007 (HM); 2008 (3); Balkan 2007 (2); RMM 2008 (3); 2013 Deputy Leader; 2014 Deputy Leader; 2015 Deputy Leader; 2016 Deputy Leader; 2017 Deputy Leader; 2018 Deputy Leader; 2019 Team Leader; 2020 Team Leader; 2021 Team Leader; 2023 Team Leader; 2024 Team Leader; Balkan 2016 Team Leader; Balkan 2018 Team Leader; Balkan 2023 Deputy Leader; Balkan 2024 Deputy Leader; RMM 2015 Team Leader; RMM 2017 Team Leader ]
Yip, Sherman2020 (3); RMM 2020 (HM) ]
Young, Jeremy Jevan Bernard1998 (3); 1999 (2) ]
Youngs, Peter William1998 (R) ]
Zhao, Haolin2024 (2); RMM 2023 (HM); RMM 2024 (2) ]
Zhao, Lee Zhuo2006 (HM); Balkan 2005 ]
Zheng, BoBalkan 2005 (3) ]
Zhou, George2022 (3); Balkan 2021 (3) ]
Zhou, Renzhi2016 (R); Balkan 2016 (2) ]
Zhou, RongBalkan 2008 ]
Zhu, Alison Huilan2007 (3); 2008 (2); Balkan 2007 (3); CGMO 2010 Deputy Leader; EGMO 2012 Team Leader ]

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